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Monday, March 12, 2018

The Risks of Trump's Meeting with Kim Jong-un

Kim probably believes he can extract concessions from Trump. He's not crazy.

It is possible that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is suddenly “committed to denuclearization,” as South Korean National Security Adviser Chung Eui-yong claimed in comments to the press at the White House Thursday evening.

It’s further possible that the result of a one-on-one meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un will “achieve permanent denuclearization,” as he predicted.

And it’s possible that Trump’s “leadership and his maximum pressure policy” have in fact led Kim Jong-un to so fear for his survival that he’s decided to give up the nuclear program his country has suffered decades to obtain—and to do so just as he’s on the verge of accomplishing the long-held objectives of his predecessors.



  1. My prediction: IF it even happens, it turns into one big media crap show with two loud mouths spouting off and Trump putting forward yet more of the same old uninformed statements only to come home and claim he was never for anything that he stated at the meeting.

    1. What old uninformed statements? Wire tap, that was true! Take guns without due process, already doing it with protective orders in Maryland so that's true! Jill stein recount gave more votes to Trump and discovered voter fraud to benefit Crooked Clinton, that was true! No Russia collusion deputy attorney general confirmed it, that's True! Tax cut I'm saving 1600, that's True! Clinton sold arms to Lybian fighters later to become isis, that's true! Susan Rice spied on campaign and told media, yup that's true! The Steele dossier was not cooperated and he was fired for lying and was paid by Clinton, yup that is True! 17 spie agencies all used the same information provided by Steele himself that couldn't be cooperated,yup true! Trump is a billionaire, yup true. Trump paid 35 million dollars in taxes and profited 400 million in one year, yup True! FBI lied and were plotting against trump, yup true! I could do this ALL DAY but I'm working. #MAGA

    2. Sorry for my grammar in a rush.

  2. Hell , he may even Torture Trump & keep him !!!

  3. He may try to Poison Trump ....anything goes !!

  4. Maybe they can trade hair styles.

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 12, 2018 at 9:23 PM

    The Real Risk is those Anti-Trump Crooked Democ-Rats and Never-Trump Haters to use this situation to make attempts to hurt Trump and then to blame Koreans for it. Something they like to do quite often, just ask the Clintons.

  6. @7:50
    Obama had 8 years to try and fix this with Jong-Un. It took Trump a little over a year in office to get a meeting. Oh yeah, he is also fixing Obama's and Clinton mess.

  7. Like meeting with Hitler or Stalin ...Waist of Time !!!!

  8. In is just buying more time. He and his predecessors have done this for decades.


  9. The Norks are accustomed to saber rattling to get some items on their wish list. Worked against Clinton. Same for Obama. But dealing with a different guy now.

    Rocket Man is current leader of family run dictatorship. Has those out of favor murdered in very cruel fashion, including his half-brother. Yes men only can survive. Very poor country with rough terrain and hardly able to feed itself.

    Most at risk are South Koreans since their capital is about 20 miles south of the border with North.

    Difficult to believe he has luxury of an arms race. If he folds on the nukes, in verifiable fashion, we can just ignore him. And he can ignore us. We'll see.

  10. NK laughs at the USA Govt Stupidity !!!

    How much more time & ass kissing do they get ?????


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