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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Teen Gun Protest Funded, Promoted by Dozens of Left-Wingers, Soros-Backed Moveon.org

It did not take long after a former student at a Florida high school with a history of mental health issues gunned down 17 people last month for the left in the United States to use the tragedy to advance its anti-Trump, anti-America, anti-gun agenda.

The same progressive organizations that launched the Women’s March to protest the election of President Donald Trump planned, promoted and scripted the National School Walkout on Wednesday where middle and high school students were asked to walk out of school for 17 minutes to “honor” the 17 victims.

In some places across the country, including Washington D.C., that walkout turned into marches and protests to demand “gun control” and to demonize support for the Second Amendment, including blaming the National Rifle Association for “gun violence” in schools.

On the Women’s March website the “partners” for the March are listed, including the two “premier” sponsors, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the National Resources Defense Council — two organizations that paradoxically kill unborn babies while 'protecting' the planet.

Some of the other “partners” are Services Employees International Union, AFL-CIO, GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders, ACLU, Occupy Wall Street, Pussy Hat Project, United We Dream, moveon.org (funded by George Soros) Center for American Progress, CODEPINK, Communist Party USA, Emily’s List, Human Rights Campaign, and the National Abortion Federation.


1 comment:

  1. My faimly did a walk in. We walked into a local gun shop and purchased a firearm. As liberals fight to give there rights away we ny guns to keep our rights.


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