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Thursday, March 01, 2018

Stop hiding the surveillance video of the Parkland shooting

Open government isn’t just good government. It’s the public’s right.

In Florida, the Broward County Sheriff’s Office and Broward County school district are fighting to keep exterior surveillance video from the day of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Schoolhidden from view. As journalists and citizens who’ve waged uphill battles against secrecy well know, government agencies too often invoke broad disclosure exemptions in the name of protecting public safety when they’re really just trying to protect their own jobs.

Feckless Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel and media darling school Superintendent Robert Runcie are defendants in an open-records lawsuit filed Tuesday by the South Florida Sun Sentinel, the Miami Herald and CNN.

The local officials claim that surveillance videos from cameras outside the school are completely exempt from sunshine laws because they would expose the district’s security-system plan; are part of an active criminal investigation; and involve an active internal affairs investigation of school resource officer/BSO Deputy Scot Peterson, whom Israel notoriously threw under the bus last week.



  1. or do they want to hide the cowardly actions of their deputies from public viewing?

  2. The security system plan is probably obvious to the casual observer who walks by to see how many external cameras there are, and where they're pointing. What they don't want to be seen is how pathetic the security system plan really is.

    The rest of it is all rhetoric, too, designed to allow time to smooth the narrative and cover some butts.

  3. Come on folks, this one is easy.
    They cannot allow us to see the assets doing the killing.
    It was a psyop and many young people were sacrificed for the globalists agenda of disarming the American population.

  4. The biggest failure was loosening behavior rules in schools in Broward County, a Liberal bammy feel good program that allowed this nut case to have no arrest record that would have prevented passing a back ground check to buy weapons legally. Another leftist F up.

  5. They don't want us seeing the deputies drinking coffee, and eating donuts while making jokes and laughing.

  6. Be careful1:10 a.m., or they will label you as "conspiracy theorist" declare you mentally ill and confiscate your firearms. Just he quiet and go buy some more ammunition. You don't have enough.

  7. Those tapes will get Clintonized and mysteriously disappear.

  8. Satan has many followers. Pray for this nation. Since the enemy is already in the wire. We as a nation have turned our back on the word and truth for to long. So what do you expect! Deception and lies are satans methods, and appears most folled and listen to him. But we know that Only faith in the Jesus our lord, the rock of TRUTH can give you peace in these trying times.

  9. There you go again with the donuts. I doubt the cowards were laughing either.

  10. 8:38 I bet they were making bets as to the number of kids killed and wounded. They are POS, and cowards!

  11. 8:38 Most of them eat protein bars to fuel their steroid induced workouts.

  12. Like the Vietnam war in the 60's and 70's . Let show this madness of assault gun slaughter . Maybe some one will wake up and see to the proliferation of these types of military grade weapons available to anyone

  13. 110

    You get the prize.

    If you aren't paranoid, you aren't paying attention!

  14. 2:43 thinks an AR-15 is a military grade rifle, LOL!


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