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Monday, March 19, 2018

Some officials wanted Stoneman Douglas suspect Nikolas Cruz committed in 2016, documents show

Some school counselors and officials were so concerned about the mental stability of Nikolas Cruz, accused in last month’s Florida school massacre, that they decided to have him forcibly committed more than a year before the shooting.

However, the recommendation was never acted upon.

Documents in the criminal case against Cruz showed that school officials at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and a sheriff's deputy recommended in September 2016 that Cruz be involuntarily committed for mental evaluation under Florida's Baker Act for at least three days, sources confirmed to Fox News on Sunday.

The documents, part of Cruz's criminal case in the shooting, showed that he had written the word "kill" in a notebook, told a classmate that he wanted to buy a gun and use it, and had cut his arm supposedly in anger because he had broken up with a girlfriend. He also told another student he had drunk gasoline and was throwing up. Calls had even been made to the FBI about the possibility of Cruz using a gun at school.



  1. But the OBAMA school being soft on problem thugs said NO just look the other way FACT.

  2. it's sad for this man that the 'system' failed him as well. yes, he deserves punishment, BUT it seems to me, according to what's been reported, that the adults in the room Failed him as well. He needed help and no one stepped up to the plate. This behavior had been expressed for Years. No excuse for ALL the failure on all levels.

    1. 3:14 You are exactly right. Everyone in this young mans life failed him. Beginning at birth with his biological parents. He was screaming for help.

  3. Use this wisdom to stop the next shooting BEFORE it happens.

  4. Yeah, no danger signs there!

  5. When I was in school he would had been parent teacher conferenced and parents would have had option to have him evaluated and committed, yes now days they say he has a disorder, throw meds at them and ignore their out of control behaviors, and allow them to attend classes and disrupt the learning that good students are trying to do. It is insanity!!!!

  6. 3:14 is spot on! I would add he was giving so many signs that I believe he wanted someone to stop him.

  7. Liberals will never get it. Never!! In order for them to accept the real problems they will have to realized they are the failures.

  8. Well now,
    If he had been committed then he couldn’t become the patsy is 2018. Could he?

    Wake up


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