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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Services Face ‘War for Talent’ Amid Shrinking Field of Qualified Recruits

The U.S. military is competing across the services and with the private sector to employee service members amid a contracting field of qualified recruits, the Navy secretary said on Monday.

"Depending on what article you read, the number of potential applicants that would successfully qualify for our services range somewhere from 25 to 30 percent," Sec. Richard Spencer said in remarks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

"Going forward, we're all going to have a real war for talent. The three of us up here fish from the same pool and we're all going to be looking for more people to do more things in a more intelligent manner."

Spencer spoke alongside Army Secretary Mark Esper and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson on the challenges facing the military and key priorities in President Donald Trump's 2019 defense budget proposal. The three service secretaries agreed that the Pentagon's top priority must be continued investment in people.

Last month, the Heritage Foundation published a study finding that roughly 24 million of the 34 million Americans between 17 and 24 years old, or 71 percent, are unable to serve in the military due to obesity, criminal record, or lack of education. That leaves just a quarter of young Americans eligible to enlist in the armed services, posing an "alarming" threat to national security, the report found, citing Pentagon data.

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  1. war has always involved both sides being evenly matched with the weapons used.We have always had weapons that were not used because our adversaries would be outmatched.How can anyone take war seriously when the best available weaponry is being witheld from our troops?Not one person reading this has a clue what I'm referring to.Even the American Revolution failed to provide us with the very best available rifles and cannons and artillery

  2. While they continue to erode military benefits and pay....

  3. More $$ will help that along.

  4. 216
    I understand it and many of us with eyes wide open know about what you speak. War is a racket - Smedley Butler

    It is fake. Both sides are always funded by the bankers who profit from death and destruction. Meanwhile hapless stupid Americans dance around the May Pole and Call to voluntarily disarm the population. They do not understand government tyranny

  5. Oh, Lord. War is fake. Advanced weapons are held back to keep war "fair". Nobody except one lone wolf understands. How can anyone take war seriously? Bankers fund "both sides" and profit from death and destruction. I guess we forgot that for a minute when we nuked Japan and they couldn't respond in kind.

    But I'm glad you are here to educate us unwashed simpletons about all this. Now that you've danced around the maypole, got dizzy, fell and bumped your head, maybe the rest of us can have a go.

    I wonder, do you have a secret handshake to join your club? Or a cool spy ring? Oh, now I remember. A nod, a wink, a certain coded phrase like, 'the raven flies at midnight' or 'you can't tuna fish but a piano is bi-racial'.

    Am I close Sigmund? You da man Rambo. Lockstep, lockout, and loch ness. Let's go get some lunch at the mess. 10-4, carry on and carry out. You want fries with that?

  6. Too many Unqualified Snowflakes these days !!!
    Never been spanked or had to work hard !!!
    Spoiled Rottons !!!!


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