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Monday, March 12, 2018

Rider University to Amend Bill Targeting Hate Speech

Students concerned bill would be used to silence conservative voices

The Rider University Student Government Association intends to amend a bill targeting hate speech, after students expressed concern that it could be wielded to silence conservative voices.

A bill passed last month stipulated that student clubs "may have their recognition called into question," should they "espouse inflammatory, hateful, or derogatory rhetoric or agendas."

The bill further asserted that an offense "need not meet legal or academic classifications of ‘hate speech' in order to violate this principle" in order for SGA to retaliate by defunding or de-recognizing a club.

This expansive, ambiguous wording was cause for alarm to the Rider College Republicans, who expressed fierce opposition to the measure.



  1. Other colleges and universities should take a lesson from this.

  2. Scratch this college off the list of potentials...

  3. Free speech is almost a thing of the past.If liberals get their way free speech will be gone.First amendment be damned.


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