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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Police to ‘ping’ phones with digital driver’s license

(NEWS JOURNAL) — Delaware could be among the first states to use mobile driver’s licenses.

The Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles has launched a mobile driver’s license pilot study that will run for six months, according to a release from the Delaware Department of Transportation.

The six-month pilot study will include about 200 state employees and stakeholders.

Read the full story ›


  1. So....ANYONE...driving the car that their phone IS NOT registered to that plate, now, GETS PULLED OVER...for zero reasons. UNCONSTITUTIONAL

  2. Just another unlawful way to pull people over,check their papers, search poke and prod, take what ever money and goods they can justify.
    Has Hitler been born again?

  3. Technology is not always good.

    This is a BAD idea

  4. Yeah, while they ping your phone to get your so called digital ID or drivers licence, they will be stealing your meta data or contacts or text and chat history, you clowns will find out the hard way...

    When they steal a text or chat log from your phone that mention drugs or something and you get locked up for it, you will learn...

  5. So we can be tracked at all times. Someone read the book 1984 by Orwell!!

  6. Wow gets closer to the mark of the beast everyday. Im not cheering for any of this digital id crap! It all for the kids right but i think its demonic.

    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

  7. Absolutely not!

  8. Sweet, great technology.

  9. No no and No,.but I'm sure the millennial lemmings will follow off till they fall off the cliffs, Then it will be too late to undo the disaster.

  10. "'The physical driver license is not going away,' McLeod said. 'For individuals who do not have a smartphone or choose not to utilize this application, they will continue using their physical driver license and identification card as they always have.'"
    Just like EZ pass is not required but they will slowly make it more and more expensive and inconvenient to not take part in a program that invades more of your rights. Ever see the mobile EZ pass readers parked on the side of roads with NO TOLLS.


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