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Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Pat Buchanan Asks "Why Is The GOP So Terrified Of Tariffs?"

From Lincoln to William McKinley to Theodore Roosevelt, and from Warren Harding through Calvin Coolidge, the Republican Party erected the most awesome manufacturing machine the world had ever seen.

And, as the party of high tariffs through those seven decades, the GOP was rewarded by becoming America’s Party.

Thirteen Republican presidents served from 1860 to 1930, and only two Democrats. And Grover Cleveland and Woodrow Wilson were elected only because the Republicans had split.

Why, then, this terror of tariffs that grips the GOP?



  1. Because thats where all their money is invested, billions in stocks , trading {zillions in back room gift stocks}, this is exactly why for many years they destroyed American manufacturing and forced everything over seas....so THEY could reap fortunes. Tariffs will reduce their profits!

  2. Because we don’t like our money being used to promote Communism, feed and clothe illegal aliens, or see it dumped down the drain on Union pensions the workers didn’t deserve.

  3. Both political parties are now controlled by globalist families with deep pockets.
    The agenda is to merge governments and economies into a global super structure so it is more easily managed.

    There are no real conservatives in America.
    This includes Mr Hero (I mean, Mr. Trump).

    No real conservative approves a BUDGET that includes spending $1T more than income.


  4. the UniParty and the Mockingbird Media only out for themselves.....

  5. I guess nobody has thought about infrastructure needs,and how long it will take to get our antiquated plants up and running again,and the WALL.Those demands can only be met by keeping other countries fully engaged in the metal industry.Ours will take several years to get up to snuff.Why you think Trump is ALWAYS right is beyond me.No one is always right.

  6. Not Fooled....Bob AswellMarch 7, 2018 at 2:53 PM

    Is this MORE POLITICAL CRAP from the know nothings in Congress and the Senate?? I suspect so. Its funny that all of a sudden, the wooden heads that caused a $20 trillion deficit now are all experts on the economy. Secondly the same gang has their lip poked out because Cohn is gone because instead of a MEMBER advisor, his authority trip turned into a clash with the boss. Right or wrong every day still doesn't detract from the fact Trump is still the 'BOSS'.
    This is what happens when they've had it too good for too long. They've somehow developed a complex that makes them THINK they're elected. Not so. When you take the candy from the babies they can't do ANYTHING BUT CRY.
    I'd tell them 'get used to it'
    'I'M THE BOSS for these four years'. Lucky for them, Harry Truman would have had them ALL shot.
    Cruz proved what the electorate thinks of these braying asses yesterday, 87%, unheard of.
    If my appendix goes bad, I'm not going to a Marine Architect, a DOCTOR would be the right choice and if the electorate is smart, their response in the Mid-Terms will be the same as yesterday for ALL
    Republicans either incumbent or hopefuls. Its about time SOMEBODY turned this damn Country around and my guess a businessman is the right choice, NOT some pompous-ass politician. Not Fooled....Bob Aswell


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