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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Parents Panic Over Pittsville Middle School Threat, And They Should


  1. Thank Obamas regulations on Not punishing Certain Thugs.

  2. Why did YOU have to call the school ?
    These Liberal Superintendents and principals are too blame for this.

  3. Dorchester Middle School 2 weeks ago had 3 punks Arrested for threats and as per the Clueless Principal and Superintendent YOU had to call them for a UPDATE WTF.

    1. Yep and us parents ain't happy.

  4. If the schools would expel these students and the justice system start putting them in jail for a considerable amount of time to prove as an example of what happens when they choose to do things like this it will keep happening. The system now is too soft on these kids and the rest of the students and society are paying the price for this kind of crap. Put these little terrorist wannabes in a dark hole and forget about them. Publicize what happens to them and start putting the hammer down, enough is enough already!

  5. How in the hell are young kids getting their hands on guns? Really stupid parents,really really REALLY STUPID.

  6. How are you going to get your kids if school is locked down?

    1. The school was not on lock down.

  7. this is a 8th grader they can get a gun anywhere go out in the street and buy one you don't need to get one from a store if you think it all the parents your wrong wake up and smell the roses its all over the place with no one punishing them. Court system letting them go with out anything, taking punishment out of the home, society created this mess now CLEAN IT UP GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND.

  8. ok so I was just contacted by my ex wife about this incident just now tellng me that she just went and pulled both our children from the school. She told me that an 8th grader brought a gun to pittsville middle and made threats about it yesterday. She said the kid was in handcuffs and sitting in the school with Mike Lewis. But the school knew about this yesterday and failed to alert anyone. and the boy walked right up into school like everything was cool. That he told his girlfriend to ware red so he didnt hit her. The worse part about it is that she found out of all the cops and dogs at the school via social media and not the school or the board of education. That the school board is to hold a meeting tonight but she has to work. And if i could attend in her place.
    So with all the automated phone calls that the schools have in place now how come there wasn't anything alerting us the Parents and why have WBOC and WMDT have been quit along with the Wicomico county board of education.
    Also I like to add that Pittsville Middle school contains grades 6-8 and is the only Middle school in Wicomico county that doesn't have a Sheriff deputy in school during school hours. All the deputies are assigned to Salisbury Middle and Bennett Middle and them bad ass kids in Choices academy who don't want to learn have a deputy in the event of something happening. But its ok for the kids in Pittsville because of what the good ol' boy's around the corner with the shot guns in their rear windows. Guess this time Mike Lewis dropped the ball by not being in location that there was a need for his deputies. And the Principal and the Super of the board should be forced to resign enlight of failing to protect my children while we send them to school while we all slave at work having our tax dollars taken and have the fund wasted on what we think is our trouble schools. My children will not be attending until the school has a deputy on premises. Since the bad ass kids have one to keep them at bay, why cant our kids have one to prevent such actions by young children. Been all the same that boy would have been pissed off by the wrong person yesterday and actually followed through with such threats he made.

    1. They are Not Alerting parents because Obama implants are still running the school system.

      Go to a city/county Meeting and Demand Change other than that sit back like a sheep.

  9. Pittsville huh. Well can't be us then. You white folks need to do better

    1. SPD pizza alert get over there chief.

  10. Here we go with the racist comments. Black, white, purple- ALL middle schools need a police officer! BTW Pittsville has kids of all races!

  11. if you are so concerned then make it known by attending the board meeting tonight and ask what's being done to identify these problem children and remove them from the schools before it gets to this point!
    you'll never show cause salisbury has hands down the worst civic minded people I've ever met! unless of course it has to do with the lbgt crowd.

    1. Yes and if something happens they cry and scream like little girls.

  12. Get rid of public schools.

    1. Snowflakes soon to be teaching there kids how to hate America and law enforcement.

    2. Their* While I agree with your comment, writing it correctly makes it meaningful.

  13. This county needs to do the same thing that our sister county (worchester) did. Put a deputy in every school. Wicomico parents should demand it. We arent worried about a internal threat as much as we should be worried about a external threat. Its an election year people use that leverage to get it done. This county will consider spending millions of dollars on things but won't spend pennies to insure an outside threat wont come into our schools and start killing our children. BUT again and again our politicians will watch this die out and they will move on UNTIL we have a MASS SHOOTING.

    1. John cannon only cares about propertys and esp his slums.

    2. Jake day is to worried about making his gay and builder friends happy and a dirty river than worry about real crime in dabury

  14. 10:50 If there was a kid with a gun there it would be on lock down. Can you follow the logic or do you need a picture book?

    1. If the schools really followed their own policies then half the schools in the county woild be on lock down daily. Don't believe me? Ask any teacher
      They are covering their a$$es every day. It comes down to having good numbers. Has been that way for years.

  15. Why if this person if from Salisbury and lives in Salisbury does her kids attend school in Pittsville?

    1. Exactly!! She caused a panic post because she's bored and unemployed. Completely ridiculous.

    2. First of all.... Im not unemployed. I work 45hrs a week. I was able to leave and go get my child. Just like any parent would do!!!

  16. "Anonymous said...
    Pittsville huh. Well can't be us then. You white folks need to do better

    March 13, 2018 at 10:15 AM"

    Something a racist moron would say... Kids are kids, get a grip.

  17. 12:48. Worcester County does not have a deputy in every school. Our Sherrif. Claims that he does not have enough deputies to have one in every school. The last count that I heard there were well over 100. Just how many does Sherrif Mason need?

  18. It is very sad, that our kids already think weapon is a choice for their problems.

    1. That's because they get jumped by 8 coward thugs.


  19. According to later info the situation happened away from school and after hours. Had been dealt with before next school day. No reason to make a splash and unduly alarm people.

    You definitely do not want to encourage the copy-cat aspect which plants ideas for serious pranks, or worse.

    Obama and his cronies should get full credit for the disciplinary mess forced by Washington on states and local school districts. The encouraging sign is that there is beginning to be pushback from districts and states and the Secy of Education is listening. Takes time to change course on a big ship, and we are certainly impatient to get back to both discipline and education under the same roof.

  20. Lots of elementary school kids are bringing weapon to school for several reason. There are many parents who are not aware of incidents like this in school. Wish the WCBOE listen to parents agony and change their policies or whatever they have to do.

  21. WCBOE will learn when a major incident to happen, they should make some strict rules for kids bringing weapons to school.

  22. I went to the meeting tonight and did not allow my kids to go today . I want to know why I can get woke up at 530 am about a fog delay but not be notified when not one but 2 gun threats have been made at Pittsville middle . As a concerned parent I spoke out at the meeting to the board. I also asked the principal at the meeting and was told we followed the code of conduct as to the punishment for this child. Well as a parent that is not enough. We need to know our kids are safe. And word I'd there was a list of kids names to shoot . Was this recovered . These parents should be notified independently and told .

    1. Yep
      The issue is DemocRATS say they want school safety? But they don't notify us of gun threats.

  23. Heather Martin started a panic without proper information. Right or wrong it was not her place to continually blast the Pittsville Group as of she knew first hand.

  24. county boe is going to study the problem. nuff said!

  25. Plenty of Officers being Waisted on the road Doing radar
    every day

    So , Pull them off of that, & put them in schools

    Problem Solved.....already have the officers !!!!!!!!!

  26. How does Heather Martin live in Salisbury and have kids attending Pittsville. She's an unemployed menace.

  27. Ticket officers on the roads are Babysitting / eating donuts
    They are paid too much for that
    Put them in a damn school to earn that pay

    Already have Plenty of them Local /County /State !!!!

    & I see them speeding more than anyone else & speeding will
    always be here , regardless of tickets !!!

    Put the K-9 officers in schools too , they do the least !!!

  28. Bennett Middle School has lost control

  29. 1213, It is a well known fact that Pittsville grants special permission to just about anyone seeking it. Lots of the students there live out side the district.

  30. First of all.... Im not unemployed. I work 45hrs a week. I was able to leave and go get my child. Just like any parent would do!!! I don't put on my facebook profile where I really live!!! But may as well now! My child text me that morning while I was at work. He said a 8th grade male classmate brought a gun to school! I contacted the school. They confirmed there was a child beimg detained in the officw but are not allow at this time to confirm anything! To contact Wicomico Administrator at the BOE. So I was letting my friends on Facebook know what I was informed at 8:07am! The post was posted to my timeline, which is private!!!! So since so many of you are looking at my profile, yes it does say I live in Salisbury. I wasn't going to put where I really at!!!! May as well now! I HAVE LIVED IN PITTSVILLE SINCE 2013 TO PRESENT!!! I am not a menace either. I have random drug testing at my place of employment along with a credit check & bank ground check just to even have the job I have! I work Monday through Friday! So since so many of you that think you really know who I am... have the courage to say your name!!!! I'll wait.... ohhh that's right because you hide behind a computer and/or phone.
    Heather Martin

  31. I'll stand with you Heather. Frank

    1. Thank You Frank! Im really sick of people assuming about my life when that isn't even what the issue is on! I've lived in Pittsville in the same house since 2013! I should not have to defend myself. I have a GREAT full time Job! So by me posting a post on my private Facebook timeline, to inform other the parent's of children I may know... I'm being attack! It's ridiculous! The ones who are actually being self absorb, childish and can't reveal who they are... are the same ones commenting themselves through the daytime hours! So let me guess.... every "anonymous" comment on here, are being written by people who are unemployed? Just mind blowing!
      But thanks again Frank!

  32. ROFL @ March 16, 8:22 PM. "I'M NOT A MENACE I GET A BANK GROUND CHECK." OMG, hilarious. Congratulations, everyone else get those same tests to get a job, even a BACKround check. Stay in school kids.

  33. 1. Posting on facebook while driving. 2. You show up with hundreds of more parents, will be hectic. How do you plan on releasing a child to the right person with hundreds of people yelling and acting like animals? 3. People who want to kill as many people as possible will wait for people like you and hundreds of others yelling and acting nuts. You would be sitting ducks. 4. Your employer allowing you to take calls, facebook while on the clock?

    1. You obviously do not have kids Punk.

  34. They confirmed there was a child beimg detained in the officw but are not allow at this time to confirm anything!

    Isn't that a contradiction Heather?

  35. Sounds like Limelight Lewis!
    The outspoken Broward County Sheriff battling calls to resign in the wake of the Florida high school shooting is described by former colleagues and associates in a new report as being a “hothead” who never talked in detail about crime and appeared more concerned with “putting his picture on the side of trucks.”


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