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Monday, March 19, 2018

Obama's Secret Army FOUND!


  1. The Clinton FOUNDATION !!!

  2. We've all known for many years our government was corrupt, it will soon be revealed its far more corrupt than we could have imagined. They must ALL go to prison for life.

  3. Did you watch this 12:16? you should educate yourself...

  4. layers and layers of excrement. evil abounds in America and throughout the world. i truly didn't realize how evil and corrupt these people were. i truly didn't realize how deep and wide all this and more was until about 2 years ago. i was very active politically, knew the issues, knew how POLS voted and so much more. boy was i fooled and i'm a 70 year old wife, mother, with beautiful grands and great grands. a professional woman with a 4 year degree. all this and more is so despicable, unspeakable and literally makes me sick. praying President Trump can finish draining the swamp as we pray for God to expose all and we ask God to protect him. i ask many who comment here to join me in pray as well. only God can help us now.


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