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Thursday, March 15, 2018

NRA Asks Supporters To Take Action As Illinois Votes On Gun Control Bill

All three bills, HB 1465, 1467, and 1468 have passed in the Illinois Senate. The three bills will now go before Gov. Bruce Rauner.
HB 1468 - is declared passed. Calls for 72 hr. waiting period for handguns and a 24 hr. waiting period on long guns.
HB 1465 - having received the required constitutional majority, is hereby declared passed.
For specifics on each bill, the NRA has more information here.
***Original Post***

Gun control measures like new age restrictions on purchasing semi-automatic rifles and waiting periods after firearm purchases have been gaining popularity across the country. Florida’s governor recently signed a new gun bill that raised the age requirement for purchasing long guns to 21 and established a three day waiting period, but the state is now facing a federal lawsuit from the National Rifle Association (NRA). Now Illinois’ state legislature is considering similar pieces of legislation.

As a result, the NRA is asking the people of Illinois to take action and contact their state legislators to oppose the series of bills, which will all be up for a vote on March 14.

Here’s the NRA’s statement (emphasis theirs):

On Wednesday, March 14th, the Illinois state Senate will consider a number of extreme gun control bills. These bills ban the possession of most semi-automatic firearms and magazines by law-abiding adults aged 18-20, requiring them to be surrendered within 90 days, impose a 72-hour waiting period on modern semi-automatic firearms, and ban certain firearm accessories and historical firearms. These bills have already passed the state House of Representatives and it is urgent that you contact your state Senator and ask them to OPPOSE House Bills 1465, 1467, and 1468….



  1. I'm so glad none of mine are registered

  2. Looks like the ILSenateGOP @ILSenateGOP RINO's are true RINO's and caving into political pressure. They are taking your rights away from you and they couldn't care less about your Constitutional rights.

  3. If you are receiving government funds you shouldn't be allowed to be pushing political agendas with them.


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