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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Notary in Trump-Stormy Daniels nondisclosure agreement under investigation

Texas officials are investigating whether a notary properly witnessed a non-disclosure agreement signed by adult film actress Stormy Daniels related to allegations that she had sex with President Donald Trump.

The Dallas Morning News reports that the Texas Secretary of State’s office has sent a letter to Dallas-area notary Erica Jackson notifying her that there was “good cause” to take action against her notary commission.

Officials say Jackson’s stamp appeared on the document but she did not sign or date it, and she did not provide a certificate of whose signature she was witnessing.



  1. I guess that means she didn't cash and spend the check, correct? Thought so.

  2. 9:05 She probably blew right through the check and needs money. She was smart enough to jump into the MSM Trump bashing circus because whoever signs her book deal will pay off Trumps non-disclosure and the news will make sure she gets round the clock coverage.


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