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Monday, March 12, 2018

New Minimum Wage Compliance Could Cost OC $188K

OCEAN CITY — Complying with the next step in the minimum wage increase will likely cost the town of Ocean City over $188,000 annually, but an added benefit could be an upgrade in the quality of applicants for temporary seasonal employees.

For the last several years, the minimum wage in Maryland has gone up incrementally and will reach a new height at $10.10 per hour on July 1. Throughout the incremental increase process, the town’s human resources department has made the necessary adjustments in the overall pay scale for employees to absorb the changes. On Monday, Human Resources Director Wayne Evans presented a recommendation that will help the town absorb the last step in the minimum wage increase process.

“A 2-percent pay table adjustment is recommended,” he said. “The minimum wage increase will be totally absorbed, but it is going to impact the bottom end of the pay scale.”

Evans explained the incremental 2-percent increase would affect many of the hundreds of temporary and seasonal workers each summer. He said the town hires roughly 730 seasonal employees each year.



  1. Most of the seasonal workers are foreign students.

  2. Make parking $5.00 an hour now instead of 3 years from now. These antics you all play about "absorbing" blah blah blah with lower tier seasonal workers plus or minus a PERCENT.

    Good grief, just do what you all will do in a few years - people will pay the higher fee regardless, the are VACATIONERS as you love to quote.

    Don't think one minute that Ricky isn't thinking about doing this either. Just need a reason and the mandatory Min Wage issue is a GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT reason to make more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    Or maybe some of the many 30+ years in service folks should retire to allow the top heavy payroll to start leveling out! Won't have to adjust any percentage since the funding will be available!

    My town, still tiny timing everything. Heck, we cannot even get elections correct every 4 years so we all go vote on the same day; nor decide when the fireworks should go off - GO FIGURE! Hey's there's an idea. Nix the Fireworks altogether (only July 4th) and you'd have leftovers for payroll.

    Oooooooo Ahhhhhhhh stop the Great Wall to Protect Drunks project - MILLIONS SAVED!!!!!!! Still need to buy those JEEPS to move the people too!!!!

    Summer of 2018 - oh the joy!!!

  3. They could make that back by laying off one cop.

  4. Somehow, I don't feel any pity for the town of OC.

  5. Where do this employees come from. Are they subsided by the Government. OC makes plenty pay up.

  6. Here we go, hold on for rising costs, this really sucks

  7. $188K is peanuts for OC.

  8. Most OC employees (full time) are somebody's relative or friend. Only the part timers are affected here and many haven't seen a pay increase in nearly 10 years. It's a fairly well known fact that Wayne Evans is NOT an EOE practicing OC employer.

  9. Make OC COMPLY ....wages were always TOOOOOO Low !!!!!

    Double the damn Wages !!!!!!!!!!!! Tough for OC !!!!

  10. OC pay is way toooooooo LOW !!! Raises Needed !!!!!

  11. 9:50 You are confusing private employers with the City of OC. I doubt that OC is hiring foreign workers They tend to hire relatives.

  12. 15.00 per Hr min >>> About Time >>> By Federal Law !!


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