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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Met Opera fires James Levine over sex abuse allegations

James Levine, the former director emeritus of the Metropolitan Opera, was dethroned from his podium permanently Monday after the institution foundevidence of sexual abuse and harassment.

The legendary conductor, 74, had been suspended from the Met and placed under investigation in December after The Post revealed Levine had allegedly molested an Illinois man when the person was just 15 years old.

The Opera House said in a statement that the investigation found Levine “engaged in sexually abusive and harassing conduct towards vulnerable artists in the early stages of their careers.”

No specifics were released, but the company said 70 people had been interviewed and added that “it would be inappropriate and impossible for Mr. Levine to continue to work at the Met.”



  1. Sounds like something that would be the norm here in the Socialist Republic of Maryland, guilty till you can prove your innocent.

  2. Another weaponized harassment claim from someone who thought they deserved first chair.


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