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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Mayor Jake Day Endorses Delegate Carl Anderton


  1. Didn't Anderton just vote for gun control? See ya!

  2. If that isnt telling I dont know what is!!
    Stupid is as stupid does.

  3. OH, please, just go get a room!

  4. Backstabber Anderton

  5. His political career is over.

  6. Anyone, endorsed or remotely associated with Jake Day or the other Dems need to be voted out and completely voted against. Changing the political spectrum in Maryland begins at the local level and goes up from there. Liberal politicians and their liberal policies has done nothing but destroy our state.

  7. Salisbury university endorses Carl Anderton. Just ask President Eschbach

  8. Carl must be looking to buy property in dabury so he can get a discount from the city council $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  9. Anderton is a liar and a backstabber

  10. Is that a picture of 2 people or is it a picture of the Evo Logo?
    Looks like these 2 guys photo bombed the pic!

  11. Anderton is a follower. He lost my vote. I never voted Dem in my life but I will if this guy doesn't have a republican run against him in the primary.

  12. Another RINO!

    Is he up against a primary contender?!

  13. ran as a Republican but only because he couldnt beat Conway as a Democrat. Carl is a true BLUE Democrat

  14. Bitter politicians stand in front of Bitter beer..LOL

  15. Well Mayor Day you have made my mind up about Anderton. NO VOTE!!

  16. Amazing, sludge and slime together. I'd rather vote for a dead person!

  17. Ditto 10:18..you are spot on. Our so called republican reps are worthless and weak. I plan to vote with my feet ASAP!! HOUSE FOR SALE IN FRUITLAND!!

  18. Carl signed our rights away now jumps in bed with fake Day.. all for Democrat votes. And he runs unopposed which sucks!

  19. Anderton endorsed by Day? and he thought this was a good idea after selling out his constituents with voting on those horrid gun bills? Lets do a write in against Carl. Screw him! He is unopposed and will skate through and then go after Culver! What a douche.

  20. I was told several months ago that in 4 years Carl is going to run for county executive and is going to file to run as a Democrat! So this all makes perfect sense!

  21. The bad part Anderton is completely unopposed! And test that back stabbed voted to take your rights! Firearms or not! He sold us all down the river! How can we get him out at this point?

    1. Ask his cousin Jonathan Taylor.

  22. Funny I am friends with him on FB and I can't find this enforcement wonder if the settings are just for Democrats to see? I will leave you blank no vote for Anderton Jake's Boy Toy.

  23. What's that old saying "Strange Bed-fellows" or "Birds of a Feather"

  24. Issues Anderton ran on and what he turned out to be are two different animals.

  25. the fake brothers. a fake Mayor and a fake republican Delegate. Youred done Anderton. you may be running unoppesed this time but you can bet your sorry behind that we will not forget about this. Youre career is over! unless you want to be jakies boy toy. Go back to Barr.

  26. I've said before that I was fooled and voted for this dude. Only to vote against career Conway. When someone steps up they have my vote for sure. This photo op sealed the deal for me. Although that is the only thing this pair enjoys about serving us.

  27. He once had my vote but thst is a thung of the past nothing lower then a RINO.

  28. Carl is a huge disappointment, he forgot where he came from and has obviously sold out. So much for integrity. Bye Carl.

  29. He was never much anyway people get real we voted for him because we could not stand that POS Conway. Someone runs against this clown they win hands down you listening MIKEY LEWIS. I see MSP kicked TROOPER WELCH in the balls now he is running for office. Freaking hysterical.

  30. He is nothing but a backstabber. all three of them. Chris Adams, and Carozza to boot.


  31. The picture, and the endorsement just confirm what his gun control vote showed. Wake up Republicans!

    No more voted for him under any circumstances.

  32. it looks like some divorces in the future. the love affair of Fake Day and the fake Republican.

  33. More evidence that RINO Carl is truly a Democrat.

    Why do you think the Democrats didn't put anyone to run against him.

    Same thing with John Hall last election. His wife is a Democrat and John Hall is a Republican in Name Only. M.O. identified.

  34. Jake Day and the Democrats are loving it now that their favorite RINO voted against our Second Amendment rights. POS a$$wipe!

    Chris Adams, we are coming after you and Mary Beth next. At least Johnny Mautz was smart enough to wake up and smell the coffee.

  35. Hey YO, #makinithappin BRO

  36. This wannabe Pretty Boi Toy of Jimbeau was going to run against Bob Culver for County Executive because he is unemployable and desperately needs a job. He is "blessed" to serve you so he can get a paycheck and buy a new car to replace that junker he had. That wasn't going to make many trips back and forth to Annapolis. Let's just hope he pays his bills.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury university endorses Carl Anderton. Just ask President Eschbach

    March 21, 2018 at 10:23 AM

    I hope that is a joke. LOL., Especially since the dummy isn't very edumacated.

  38. Anonymous said...
    He is nothing but a backstabber. all three of them. Chris Adams, and Carozza to boot.

    March 21, 2018 at 9:10 PM

    I never did like Mary Beth or Carl. My gut instinct told me there was something about those 2. Wasn't sure about Chris Adams, but after talking to him recently confirmed my suspicions.

    One thing I can say for sure is to trust your instincts.

  39. I've been to a couple of breakfast events and one was at an event where the Eastern Shore Delegation were the guest speakers. I can tell you that he was the dumbest speaker there and had nothing to say about the General Assembly being in Session. He had to sound ghetto cool and make a dumb comment like "Yeah how bout dat breakfast, let's give that bacon a big hand." Even Charles Otto sounded like a Fulbright Scholar next to Dumbo Carl the RINO. #makingithappen

  40. Pathetic excuse for a man displayed by these two. This is the route people like this take when you can't make it in the real world.

  41. It's funny how Liberal Jake made his "Endorsement" after the February 27th deadline to file for office and Dumba$$ RINO Carl tweets this on March 5th. RINO Carl fell for that garbage Hook, Line and Sinker! Idiots. They are made for each other.

  42. Anonymous said...
    OH, please, just go get a room!

    March 21, 2018 at 10:00 AM

    Exactly! A couple of Homos!

  43. Anonymous said...
    Anyone, endorsed or remotely associated with Jake Day or the other Dems need to be voted out and completely voted against. Changing the political spectrum in Maryland begins at the local level and goes up from there. Liberal politicians and their liberal policies has done nothing but destroy our state.

    March 21, 2018 at 10:18 AM

    I agree. And as far as the local level, don't anyone make you believe that city elections are non-partisan. The Wicomico County Republican Club and the Wicomico County Central Committee has been failing the citizens of Salisbury and Wicomico County for years for not getting good Republicans to run in the City races. What happens in Salisbury affects the entire county.

    And while they are at it they need to make sure that Muir Boda doesn't get on the Central Committee. He is the one that got Jack Heath to run for County Executive. Muir Boda is also Running Jack Heath's webpage and social media accounts. Muir also set the pages up for Jack Heath. RINO Mark McGiver knows this and has done nothing to make Muir withdraw from running. He will get on because his name starts with a B.

  44. Liberal Jake just Tweeted that Daddy has been voted one of Maryland's most influential leaders in Maryland. I don't know who voted for that because I strongly disagree and Jim Perdue and his son need to be ashamed of themselves for putting him in such a high paying job.

    County Councilman Marc Kilmer has been Retweeting that garbage about Liberal Jakes Daddy. Kilmer is another one to watch out for as well. He is a Libertarian that infiltrated the Republican Party. Kick him to the curb if you may. How nauseating the thought of Retweeting your love for the Jake Day family. Gross!

  45. #NotMyMayor



  46. Those two idiots are two peas in a pod. Neither one of them has ever had a real job so they have to run for political office to be somebody. They are two NOBODY's!

  47. RINO Carl Anderton didn't even read the bill, he just went along with the establishment Republicans hoping to get the Democrat votes. RINO Hogan had no intention of vetoing the bill so he got his establishment tokens to go along with it knowing or hoping they would get the Democrat votes for this. At least our Delegate Charles Otto is the smartest one in that bunch. That worthless Mary Beth Corroza is going to lose her election against Lying Jim Mathias and she will lose her seat as a Delegate so she will be unemployed again. The plan is for RINO Hogan to be re-elected and he will create a position for her on his staff or cabinet when she loses her race against Liberal Jim.

    If RINO Larry Hogan accidentally gets re-elected he will have difficulty trying to appoint her to a position that has to be voted on and confirmed by the Senate. Boy that will go over like a fart in church.

  48. How do you go through life at their ages without a "career." Carl Anderton and Jake Day have no retirement or benefits when they get old enough to retire. Same goes for Mary Beth. When Carl loses his next election he will have to file for unemployment and file for Medicaid. This dufus is not far from retirement age and he has nothing to show for it.

    Jake Day better hope Daddy Day has a nice sock tucked away to give the Fake son and his granddaughters or Jake will be in the Poor House. I don't know much about Mary Beth, but I know she will always be like Louis and Bonnie Luna mooching off a governor or a president for some kind of job slopping at the government teet.

  49. Remember what happened to Jackie Welfonder the Fake Republican? She turned on all her friends that were Republicans and joined ranks with the Democrats and the LGTBQ ilk. Take notice she was always buddies with Jim Ireton and Jake Day Facebook and "Downtown" events just like Carl Anderton. Another one to watch out for is the new Republican Club President, Shawn Jester. They all helped Carl Anderton get elected and their noses are so far up the Democrats a$$es they need snorkels to breathe. Watch out for Bunky Luftman as well. When you are as tight and close to the Jake Day and Jim Ireton crowd you are no better than Jackie Welfonder.

    The only reason Shawn Jester got voted into the President's slot as the Club President again is because the "click" didn't want Michelle Bradley to have it. Why I don't know, but if someone does know feel free to explain.

    The bottom line is we need to put the heat on Shawn Jester and force him out of that position. We should also get Congressman Harris to kick him to the curb. Does anyone know if he gets a paycheck from the Congressman? I certainly could find a better representative than that idiot if I was the Congressman.

  50. Look at those jacked up Teephers and that stupid looking "high and tight" haircut that Fake Soldier / Fake Mayor is wearing.

  51. Has anyone ever been around this clown Anderton and heard his Ghetto Slang. Just like the dumb white boys in high school back in the day when they were trying to be cool with the #1's and talk like they were black. Come on Carl Anderton you are in your 40's and you are trying to be "cool."

    If you pay attention you will notice that he tries to rag on people and talk down to them. This is a sign of a low life with an inferiority complex.

    Carl buddy, you might have gotten a free pass this election, but you are done in 2022.

  52. I don't know much about Michelle, but her husband Shawn is one weirdo and carries a lot of baggage with him. He is going to have a hard time making it through the Primaries.

    Some of us in the club can't stand him.

  53. Why are all of you super republicans sitting on the sidelines and complaining instead of running for office?

  54. some of us are not sitting on the side lines! we are very in tune with whats going on. We have a good ole boys club going on. It is strong and prominent in this county and in the Republican clubs. Michelle Bradley was black balled because she will stand up to them. These so called men do not like that. To them females have one place. Its not running for any position or elected seat.Michelle Bradley is a hard worker. And as far as whom ever you are saying that about Shawn must not really know him. He is a deep seeded conservative. With values and also speaks out for the rights of people. Have been for several years. So i really don't think you know what you're talking about. I don't really think you know him or her and are just going by what your mentor and buddy Mciver and Jester are telling you. The puppet masters of the Central committee and The GOP club. Now go take a bow to your kings.

  55. Bunky Luffman was the brains behind Anderton. When Bunky left Carl and went to work for the Governor, Carl lost his brains. He wasn't that smart to begin with. Bunky was the brains of that outfit. Carl also listens to Jackie Welfonder to much and she is a drunk and only cares about what she can get free from them. That drunk loves her liquor. It should have been her to get caught instead of Julie Brewington. Now that would have really been some good Karma. Jackie was another fake Republican. Now a fake resister, she worked the Repbunlicans and is now working them all for personal gain of what ever she can get free out of them. a moocher and drunk and below low life.

  56. Exactly..Ok Carl is and has always been a RINO. Jackie is freaking Jackie ... The GOP is trying to take it back to real conservative values but with Jester and MCIver ( and a curly haired brunette he has been hugging on) it won't happen. McIver only talks about his sailing trips at Central Committee Meetings and little Nate will not stand up to anyone..Laun is coo coo over his baby Ann is out Goslee thinks his many LEO careers will save him and Edney has checked out ..and well we all know about Julie..Muir needs to withdraw it is a conflict..As far as Bradley is concerned he is the only one who has reached out to the county not just down town so say what you will ... The true front line staff of the GOP has decided to let the Good old Boys do what they will and let them fail. Please listen this primary is important. I know you want to send a message and it will be challenge to get the republican vote out but if we dont...guaranteed every seat will be taken by the progressives. They love this in fighting and will rule over us in ways that make Jake seem like a dream. Please vote and vote early for the ticket Local regardless of how you feel on the delegates and their betrayal . One step further I suggest vote #NOTCARL as a write in just so he sees the numbers. He has openly admitted he is going after county executive in 4 years. Put him in his place and tell him to go smoke a cigar with Jackie Wellfonder on that one!

  57. 12:56 Who in the club? Yes he can be a hard ass but he is true to the core values of the party and can be intimating in nature and glare. But when he ran for President that room has never been more packed bringing back the county and not just downtown elite . Jester caved and withdrew the night of elections because he knew better. And under Bradley the club had record membership and attendance because he went to each municipality not just he in crowd so I can guess who's camp you are in. And when Michelle was NOMINATED Jester went to McIver to solicit votes to get her out. There were so many people that have never been to a club meeting in the last 4 years pay just to vote Jester because McIver was dying inside. He even recruited non english speakers to vote Jester. Come Monday and see how many show up then for the swearing in of new officers none of those ppl will be there. We will not stop working for local officials that hold conservative values. I implore you come to meetings even if you don't join hold these "#$%^@" accountable. Its your County!!!!Do not give up on true Republican values we must take this party over!~! Joe I implore you to just attend come back and see we are trying. I have heard they failed you in the past but this is BS!!!!

  58. Well let me inform all of you of this to. To the person that says we are all sitting on the side lines. Marc MCIver the chair person of the Wicomico County central committee. Instead of looking for people to run for the Central committee. Went out and was making phone calls to get people to run against the females that files to run. Julie and Ann S were the only two females on that committee. Two hard working dedicated woment filed to run for that committee. Mark MCIver started making phone calls to "stop those women" This is fact folks. so to whom ever has been saying the good ole boys are hard at work. You bet your sweet ass they are! Mciver should have been doing his job of finding people to run for those unopposed seats on the county council. NO he worked hard to find people to run against these 2 hard working caring women. This is why people sit on the side lines. They get shot down by the good ole boys club. If you are smart vote for these hard working women. Their last names start with G and L find them and vote for them? "stop these good ole boys"

  59. Oh yes don’t under estimate the partnership of the curly haired chicken opposer! She is neck deep in all of this! Right along with the good ole boys club. Maybe she needs a sex change to fit in properly.

  60. If your buddy is Fake Jake then your not our man either. Thanks for the heads up no one will want you and let me guess the two of you at a watering hole even more clear.

  61. Anonymous said...
    some of us are not sitting on the side lines! we are very in tune with whats going on. We have a good ole boys club going on. It is strong and prominent in this county and in the Republican clubs. Michelle Bradley was black balled because she will stand up to them. These so called men do not like that. To them females have one place. Its not running for any position or elected seat.Michelle Bradley is a hard worker. And as far as whom ever you are saying that about Shawn must not really know him. He is a deep seeded conservative. With values and also speaks out for the rights of people. Have been for several years. So i really don't think you know what you're talking about. I don't really think you know him or her and are just going by what your mentor and buddy Mciver and Jester are telling you. The puppet masters of the Central committee and The GOP club. Now go take a bow to your kings.

    March 22, 2018 at 8:57 PM

    Thanks Shawn Bradley, will you and Michelle be at the Republican meeting tonight?

  62. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Exactly..Ok Carl is and has always been a RINO. Jackie is freaking Jackie ... The GOP is trying to take it back to real conservative values but with Jester and MCIver ( and a curly haired brunette he has been hugging on) it won't happen. McIver only talks about his sailing trips at Central Committee Meetings and little Nate will not stand up to anyone..Laun is coo coo over his baby Ann is out Goslee thinks his many LEO careers will save him and Edney has checked out ..and well we all know about Julie..Muir needs to withdraw it is a conflict..As far as Bradley is concerned he is the only one who has reached out to the county not just down town so say what you will ... The true front line staff of the GOP has decided to let the Good old Boys do what they will and let them fail. Please listen this primary is important. I know you want to send a message and it will be challenge to get the republican vote out but if we dont...guaranteed every seat will be taken by the progressives. They love this in fighting and will rule over us in ways that make Jake seem like a dream. Please vote and vote early for the ticket Local regardless of how you feel on the delegates and their betrayal . One step further I suggest vote #NOTCARL as a write in just so he sees the numbers. He has openly admitted he is going after county executive in 4 years. Put him in his place and tell him to go smoke a cigar with Jackie Wellfonder on that one!

    March 22, 2018 at 11:05 PM

    And thank you, Michelle Bradley. Hope you and Shawn had fun at the fundraiser. Heard there was hardly anyone there.

  63. Anonymous said...
    Oh yes don’t under estimate the partnership of the curly haired chicken opposer! She is neck deep in all of this! Right along with the good ole boys club. Maybe she needs a sex change to fit in properly.

    March 23, 2018 at 7:25 AM

    Who is the curly haired chicken opposer?

  64. Another way for Anderton to have his picture taken... I was hopeful for him initially, but he has sunk to the level of his predecessors...no more votes from me Carl


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