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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Matt Rosendale: Montana Sending Me to Senate 'Not to Bring Home the Bacon, but to Slaughter the Hog' of Big Government

Montana Republican U.S. Senate candidate Matt Rosendale lit into big government omnibus spending bills during an interview on Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM’s Patriot Channel 125 this weekend, including bashing a pet project for New York City that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is trying to insert into the bill despite President Donald Trump’s threat to veto the bill if it is included.

Host Matt Boyle asked Rosendale about Schumer’s efforts to put $900 million in funding for the “Gateway” project into the omnibus spending bill, a project that now is estimated to cost federal taxpayers nearly $30 billion, despite initial estimates of just over $10 billion. The project would build a series of bridges and tunnels from Newark, New Jersey, into Manhattan in New York City–but as Breitbart News exposed it has received no funding from the states of New York or New Jersey and is seeking to be funded entirely by the federal government. Trump has threatened to veto the omnibus if the project’s funding is in the bill–and now Schumer’s efforts are causing negative political consequences for his vulnerable members up for re-election this year, such as Montana Democrat Sen. Jon Tester.


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