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Friday, March 23, 2018

Maryland Woman Suing Facebook Over Personal Information Being Released

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — There is a new development in the Facebook data case.

A Maryland woman is now suing Facebook over the release of personal information that made her a target for political advertisements.

Marylander Lauren Price is taking Facebook to court with what she hopes will become a class action lawsuit over privacy data that ended up in the hands of political advertisers trying to influence votes.

It’s a hefty piece of litigation, as Price is suing on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated.

All others are the 50 million Facebook users who had information they did not give, used to target them for ads they did not want about candidates to influence their vote.



  1. Facebook is free. Hint: if it's free, you're not the consumer. You're the product.

  2. So she's suing because she doesn't have the ability to think for herself? Sounds like a Trump supporter to me!

    1. Clinton voter making fun of people. Irony is to much lol

    2. Right smh (palm to face)

  3. Two solutions.

    1. Adblock

    When I was still on facebook, I never saw ads. Thank you Ad Block!

    2. Delete Facebook account and walk away.

    I walked away from facebook in 2013 when Snowden revealed the total NSA intrusion into facebook. Anyone still on facebook is part of the problem.

  4. 12:22 PM Part of the problem?
    I pity the person who finds my meager and unimportant life fascinating on FB. I click on crap just to confuse them.
    For all they know I am an old stoner checking out knee braces and salt lamps.
    I am part of the resistance and screw with their minds

  5. If you don't want it out there for everyone to know, don't post it on the internet. It's as simple as that.

  6. Don’t post your sad pathetic life on Facebook....problem solved.

  7. LOL SNOWFLAKES don't read fine print waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


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