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Monday, March 12, 2018

Maryland House Approves Texting-While-Driving Fine Increase To $500

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — The Maryland House of Delegates approved a billthat increases the maximum penalty for using a cell phone while driving on Thursday.

The House increased the fine to $500.

This legislation repeals a tiered fine system with maximum fines of $75, $125 and $175 for first, second and third offenses, respectively.



  1. Sometimes when I think our politicians can't be anymore ineffective, they go and do another political stunt like this....increase the fine for a violation that isn't enforced now, and can't be enforced, no matter how big the fine is. And they think they're important to us. Up there in Annapolis, passing useless legislation, just so that they can say they did something.

  2. As if anyone gets a ticket for it unless they're in a crash or the police want them for something else. In morning traffic around here, at least 40% of drivers are holding a phone up to their ear. About 75% of those seem to be female, no insult intended.

  3. It's a tax on poor people. Most new vehicle have talk to text built into the handsfree system.

    1. Asinine statement. Don't text on your phone regardless.

    2. 12:05 Just like self driving cars will prevent the rich from getting DUIs.

  4. Good. I hope it goes to $1000. I'm tired of driving down a 2 lane road in constant fear of some teen idiot driving into my lane.
    It happens at least 2-3 times a week.
    at the last minute, they look up at you like a deer in the headlights. I'm going to start lobbing eggs or tomatoes at them.

  5. texting and driving with headphones in

  6. Any excuse they can find to raise revenue. I totally agree no one should be texting while driving. There are laws on the books for distracted driving right now. Why in hell do we need more laws and higher fines? Just like red light camera's, speed camera's and school bus violations. It's really not for safety, but for raising revenue. Has anyone asked where this money will go to that they will collect in court costs and legal fees?
    Give them points and suspend their license if you are really serious.


  7. Better penalty would be to seize the phone as evidence and require a trial a couple months down the road. Failure to appear for the hearing means phone meets a steamroller. But the arresting officer needs photo evidence of the infraction before pulling motorist over.

    After all the idea is to change behavior not generate fines.

  8. Should add to it beheading if cause a death.

  9. So when does a monetary fine become cruel and unusual punishment? After taxes get taken out a $500 dollar fine is 2 weeks hard labor for most in this area.

  10. @10:39 so put down the phone while you are driving and you wont have to worry about the fine! Therefore it is not cruel and unusual punishment!


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