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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Kathie Lee Gifford: ‘I hate the male-bashing that’s going on in the world today’

Kathie Lee Gifford lamented in a recent interview that modern feminism and the #MeToo movement are leading to the sweeping demonization of all men.

“I hate the male-bashing that’s going on in the world today,” the “Today” show host said Thursday on SiriusXM’s “The Michelle Collins Show.”

“There are a lot of wonderful men,” she said. “I hate this whole thing of, ‘I’m not going to be happy until there’s not a good man left standing.’ I hate that.”

Radio host Michelle Collins pushed back, saying she didn’t believe anybody actually felt that way, to which Ms. Gifford responded, “I do.”

“Oh gosh, I sense it,” Ms. Gifford said. “And I hate it, because there are a lot of great men, great men. And let’s celebrate them, let’s be grateful for them.

“My daddy was one, my husband was one, my son is one. And I hope to maybe someday meet another one,” she joked.

Ms. Gifford made similar comments a day earlier, telling host Andy Cohen on SiriusXM’s “Radio Andy” show that she reached out to her friends Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein after they were accused of sexual assault, The Daily Caller reported.

“I personally, since I got into this business as a teenage girl, I have been sexually harassed, I have been sexually abused and I have been date raped. And don’t tell me they’re all the same ‘cause they are not,” Ms. Gifford explained.

“I don’t want to throw everybody on the same manure pile. Being a jerk is not the same as being a rapist — it just isn’t.



  1. Maybe its just me but I think the ratio of sexist jerks, is equal to the ration of feminist nut-jobs. The rest of us are just normal people who are fine with being decent Men / Women.

  2. Your husband??? Forget somethin honey?

  3. For those who don't want to believe there is man-bashing, just pay a little more attention to the ads on tv and watch how the women treat the men as stupid or else just can't think for themselves.

  4. It’s called divide and conquer the left is always looking to create a victim and a perpetrator

  5. I guess her career isn't over wow, can't image if she did it few years ago and called it art. I truly believe she would be in prison.

  6. 10:40--you are spot on about male bashing in the TV ads: especially the white male. They are almost always portrayed as uneducated, uninformed and far too frequently effeminate.
    When you see one of these commercials imagine if the white male portrayed in the ad were of another race.

  7. Good ol' Kathy Me, never disliked any man! Still going strong in her 60's!!!

  8. Wow man haters coming out of the wood work lol. It is true a white male is portrayed as an idiot so Blacks and Women do not get their feelings hurt. What do you expect from something that bleeds a third of its life and will not die.

  9. Kathie just shut up. I dont recall of seeing any man holding a bloody head of a female or a sitting president.


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