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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Just Sayin...

Yesterday I put up my stats and multiple nasty comments came in trying to attack me for bragging. Hey nay sayers, (WBOC, WMDT, DT's & EBT) guess what, I'm still bragging!

After they tried doing everything in their powers to shut "We The People" down and crush our 1st Amendment Rights, (typical Liberals) we are by far the strongest, most powerful and influential Website on the entire Eastern Shore.

If any of them want to prove they out perform SBYNews.com, all they have to do is publish their daily traffic. 


  1. Hey Joe our local RINO's in the Maryland House of Delegates voted for HB 1302 which basically said someone can complain about you and the police will take your guns away from you. They have voted for MORE legislation against our Second Amendment Rights(2A). Seven Republicans broke their oath to uphold the Constitution and joined the Progressive Socialist Democrats of Maryland in their efforts to disarm the citizens of Maryland.They were 7 out of 141 members of the House of Delegates who upheld their oath to support the Constitution. Now they made a conscious decision to vote against the Constitution.

    The only reason that Republican leadership would agree to push the caucus to vote to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment is to give the Republican Governor cover to sign the bills into law and to refuse to veto them.

    After all, if the Republican delegates did their jobs and voted to uphold the 2nd Amendment Rights of their constituents the Governor would look bad in signing or refusing to veto these bills.

    The Republican Delegates made a conscious choice to place politics above principle.

    Now they need to justify that decision.

    The first bill we were betrayed on is HB-888 which is commonly known as the Bump-Stock Bill. Even the ultra-Progressive Obama administration ruled that Bump Stocks are "a firearm part and [is] not regulated as a firearm under Gun Control Act or the National Firearms Act."

    These spineless PUSSIES are:

    1) Chris Adams
    2) Carl Anderton, Jr.
    3) Steve Arentz
    4) Mary Beth Carroza
    5) Jeff Ghrist
    6) Jay Jacobs
    7) Johnny Mautz

    Not only that the next President of the Wicomico County Republican Club deleted these negative comments on OUR Wicomico GOP page and argued with members telling them to not talk about it. He is Shawn Jester who is employed locally for Congressman Andy Harris.

    Shawn Jester RESIGN NOW!

    Thank God we can depend on Delegate Charles Otto!



    Here is the link to the votes which shows how our spineless Republican Delegates voted with the Democrats.


    1. It is Maryland. What did you expect?

  2. @8:35 PM all I can say is WOW!!

    Chris Adams and Johnny Mautz you two clowns are my Delegates and I can assure you everyone in my neighborhood of Nithsdale will not be voting for you RINO's. Shame on you Douche Bags.

    We will be voting for Mimi Gedamu and Keith Graffius.

  3. Sorry to inform you that you live in a BLUE state. You can whine, hope and pray until you are BLUE in the face but it will never be a RED state. Move if you don't like it.

  4. I see you there RINO Carl Anderton you lazy POS. You are nothing but a turncoat. Please switch parties with your Butt Buddies Jake Day and Jim Ireton.


  5. Mary Beth Bozo guess what gurlfren?? My vote is now for Lying Jim Mathias, at least we know where he is coming from and you will be jobless once again as Wayne Hartman steals your seat you vacated like an idiot.

  6. Ah , yes .! Your ##numbers## arr better than, WBOCK*'S (TELO MONDO). press 1 for English,,? What!.? YOURE blog is number 1 all DelmarVa!!

  7. Carl Anderson you just lost my vote PAL

  8. 3 cheers to my brother 835pm!! No matter why, whether they received a fat offshore account, or the communist have a gun to their head.. they turned traitor and treasonous against the people, the Constitution, the Country. Regardless these people have shown themselves as corrupt and should be made exempt from holding any office ever. A huge wave of Justice is coming very soon, as investigations, indictments and prosecutions grow rapidly we must prepare. For many many years its been widely known and accepted the government is beyond corrupt, this has kept many good and decent people from running for office. As many leaders and the threats of the communist party fall, we must encourage the true patriots to stand tall, fill the voids and keep America great.

  9. Fact - Hundreds of Saudi elites were rounded up and stripped of their billions of ill-gotten gains.

    Fact - Dozens of CEOs and congressmen/senators have resigned or are retiring early - much higher than the usual amount of turnover.

    Fact - There are over 18,000 sealed indictments nationwide. The usual number is around 1000 per year.

    Fact - T$ has signed EOs regarding the seizure of money related to human trafficking.

    Fact - Thousands of human traffickers have been arrested since T$ took office - far, far more than any of his predecessors.

    Fact - Major infrastructure enhancements have been scheduled for GITMO.

    Fact - Soros has put $17+ billion into various orgs to stir up the usual suspects.

  10. This has nothing to do with the post but I will roll with it due to others commandeering with firearms comments.
    I noticed that Anderton changed as soon as taking office. I thought we needed a change from career politician Conway. Anderton would run in while a bunch of us were having breakfast at a local hangout. Always spoke a little small talk and race out. I voted for him and have not been impressed. Fooled again by a local boy that we thought would do a job for local citizens. It seems like if you are chasing cameras, one would toss the jeans and dress the part. I don't like to get personal because I sure have my faults and many of them. It just happens to be a pet peeve of mine that if in a professional role dress the part. This may not bug anyone else...sorry

  11. I can't believe those turncoats,now I'm confused and not sure who to vote for but it sure as hell won't be that POS Mathias.Maybe those traitors will apologize and admit their mistake and work to reverce it.That would go a long way tword appeasing their supporters.But they better be quick about it.

  12. Dear March 18, 8:35 PM,

    You're a liar. The gun bill doesn't say "someone can complain about you and the police will take your guns away".

    The bill says that for guns to be removed, a judge must approve a petition, filed by someone who is basically a mental health professional, that a certain person poses an extreme risk to themselves or others.

    I'm conservative and certainly no fan of RINOS, but I question your motives. How can we be sure you're not a democratic operative? Those are some pretty popular Republicans you're targeting and smearing with lies. What better way for the democrats to win even more seats, than by replacing popular republican politicians with some unknown far right losers.

    Think about this people.

    1. HB1302/822614/1 House Judiciary Committee
      Amendments to HB 1302
      Page 4 of 22

  13. I can't wait to move from Maryland to a free state.

  14. Otto voted for it as well...damn I miss McDermott and Smeigel!

  15. Anonymous said...
    Sorry to inform you that you live in a BLUE state. You can whine, hope and pray until you are BLUE in the face but it will never be a RED state. Move if you don't like it.

    March 18, 2018 at 10:58 PM

    He Liberal HOMO, this has nothing to do with living in a BLUE state. This has everything to do with so-called Republicans voting against our Second Amendment rights. I bet you don't have the balls to tell me to my face to move.

  16. Anonymous said...
    This has nothing to do with the post but I will roll with it due to others commandeering with firearms comments.
    I noticed that Anderton changed as soon as taking office. I thought we needed a change from career politician Conway. Anderton would run in while a bunch of us were having breakfast at a local hangout. Always spoke a little small talk and race out. I voted for him and have not been impressed. Fooled again by a local boy that we thought would do a job for local citizens. It seems like if you are chasing cameras, one would toss the jeans and dress the part. I don't like to get personal because I sure have my faults and many of them. It just happens to be a pet peeve of mine that if in a professional role dress the part. This may not bug anyone else...sorry

    March 19, 2018 at 8:34 AM

    Oh, I feel the same way. Carl Anderton is nothing but an uneducated pretty boy that is in way over his head. Now that he has a free pass and no one running against him he can do what ever he wants. I have attened many functions where our local Delegation gives us updates on the Session in Annapolis and this clown has absolutely nothing to say. The last event I went to was a breakfast meeting and all he could come up with was "How about them eggs and bacon. Yeah, let's give them a big hand." Even Charles Otto who doesn't like to speak much in public made Anderton look like the clown that he is.

    Anderton doesn't have any dress clothes other than the occasional jacket and tie. He is unemployed and unemployeable. I have it from good sources that Carl Anderton thought long and hard about running for County Executive, but changed his mind at the last minute. He knew that he would have at least one more term given to him as Delegate where the County Executive race would be more difficult.

    Think about it, what job experience does Anderton have? Who is going to employ him now that he has to be in Annapolis 90 days straight and then has many, many meetings to attend. This is a job for a business owner or someone retired. He has no job skills so he isn't marketable. No education or training so who wants him. He will be a used up car salesman when someone finally bumps him out of his seat.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Dear March 18, 8:35 PM,

    You're a liar. The gun bill doesn't say "someone can complain about you and the police will take your guns away".

    The bill says that for guns to be removed, a judge must approve a petition, filed by someone who is basically a mental health professional, that a certain person poses an extreme risk to themselves or others.

    I'm conservative and certainly no fan of RINOS, but I question your motives. How can we be sure you're not a democratic operative? Those are some pretty popular Republicans you're targeting and smearing with lies. What better way for the democrats to win even more seats, than by replacing popular republican politicians with some unknown far right losers.

    Think about this people.

    March 19, 2018 at 8:50 AM

    Hey Dumba$$, read the bill and interpret it. I'm sure you have some intelligence.

    Um, they were popular until they jumped in bed with RINO Hogan to play his stupid game of supporting this bill to get the Democrat vote.

    Did you notice that Delegate Charles Otto voted against this bill. I guess you are trying to say that Delegate Otto isn't popular and some unknown far right losers.

    I have a feeling that you are Shawn Jester, some unknown Douche Bag the idiots of the Republican Club voted for last month for president.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Dear March 18, 8:35 PM,

    You're a liar. The gun bill doesn't say "someone can complain about you and the police will take your guns away".

    The bill says that for guns to be removed, a judge must approve a petition, filed by someone who is basically a mental health professional, that a certain person poses an extreme risk to themselves or others.

    I'm conservative and certainly no fan of RINOS, but I question your motives. How can we be sure you're not a democratic operative? Those are some pretty popular Republicans you're targeting and smearing with lies. What better way for the democrats to win even more seats, than by replacing popular republican politicians with some unknown far right losers.

    Think about this people.

    March 19, 2018 at 8:50 AM

    It's a vote against the Second Amendment you dumb idiot.

  19. Anon 8:35
    You are the "liar"...or you simply did not read the bill. "Any interested party" qualifies under the definition as a "petitioner". This is a terrible bill. Our shore delegates drank the kool aid...except for Del.Otto. Sadly, none of the shore delegates know anything about 2A issues. During the Gun Safety Act, we had Smeigel and McDermott fighting and keeping us informed. Now we have a governor who wants to sign something and needs political cover to do so. These delegates ought to be ashamed. Perhaps they will have a shot at redemption uf the bill is changed in the senate. We will be watching. With all this attention, Miller will try and pass it "as is".

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anon 8:35
    You are the "liar"...or you simply did not read the bill. "Any interested party" qualifies under the definition as a "petitioner". This is a terrible bill. Our shore delegates drank the kool aid...except for Del.Otto. Sadly, none of the shore delegates know anything about 2A issues. During the Gun Safety Act, we had Smeigel and McDermott fighting and keeping us informed. Now we have a governor who wants to sign something and needs political cover to do so. These delegates ought to be ashamed. Perhaps they will have a shot at redemption uf the bill is changed in the senate. We will be watching. With all this attention, Miller will try and pass it "as is".

    March 19, 2018 at 12:06 PM

    I don't think you are directing this at the original poster 8:35, but I think you are directing it at 8:50 AM who called him a liar.

  21. 10:58 You are sofa king dumb that you don't realize MD will never be a republican state. We run this state, you just pay taxes, dumb a$$.

    1. Dumbass this state is Republican other that your thug areas.

  22. Shore billies being screwd over by there own Good Ole boys lol.

  23. 1:12pm aka 1:34pm....watch and see what happens to your communist progressive party in the coming weeks...and we're going to throw in the treasonous rino's for free...they're all going to legislate from Gitmo.

  24. Wow? Really? Look at your local elected officials. So sad you people think that you are republicans on a budget. None of you have enough money to be in the GOP unless related to a slum lord, Perdue or Moore.

  25. You've earned your bragging rights Joe keep up the great work!


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