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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Judge shows scant patience for military transgender ban

SEATTLE — President Donald Trump’s move last week to tweak his ban on transgender people joining the military might not save it from being struck down, a federal judge in Seattle suggested Tuesday.

U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman was one of four federal judges around the country who late last year temporarily blocked the president from overturning an Obama-era directive allowing transgender troops to serve openly, finding the ban likely unlawful and discriminatory. The legal challenges have been brought by transgender troops, those who aspire to serve and a range of civil rights organizations.

Pechman scheduled a hearing Tuesday for arguments on whether to make her ruling permanent, but late Friday, Trump announced that he was rescinding his previous decision after a Pentagon review. Instead of barring transgender troops outright, he would allow them to serve in certain limited cases. Any who have transitioned to their preferred gender or who need medical treatment to do so would be presumed ineligible for service, though they could seek individual waivers allowing them to serve.

The Justice Department immediately asked Pechman and other federal judges to dissolve their old orders as moot — something Pechman showed little interest in doing, noting that the late Friday filing left scant time for the plaintiffs to respond.



  1. The end of the woirld as we know it ..demons getting their way again.

  2. This country needs to clean up the judiciary of all the loons that the dumbocrats have put on the bench

  3. DISTRICT COURT (!!?) judges now overrule the President and make foreign and domestic policy?
    Who the F elected them?
    The hanging list is growing so big we may need to import rope from Russia.
    They also have forgotten their place.

    Keep cheering.

  4. Ummmm, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and terrorists of all sorts around the globe want a piece of the US. And now you have Buffoon Bolton giving national security advice. #1 We're gonna need all the folks we can get to be ready to stand up and fight. #2 sounds to me like we have bigger fish to fry.


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