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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

James Clapper avoids charges for 'clearly erroneous' surveillance testimony

Former intelligence chief James Clapper is poised to avoid charges for allegedly lying to Congress after five years of apparent inaction by the Justice Department.

Clapper, director of national intelligence from 2010 to 2017, admitted giving “clearly erroneous” testimony about mass surveillance in March 2013, and offered differing explanations for why.

Two criminal statutes that cover lying to Congress have five-year statutes of limitations, establishing a Monday deadline to charge Clapper, who in retirement has emerged as a leading critic of President Trump.

The under-oath untruth was exposed by National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, who sparked national debate on surveillance policy with leaks to the press.



  1. This is BS lock him up and make a example of him.

  2. Strange how this crap is just sort of forgotten until juat a few days befor the statute of limitations runs out.

  3. Another lying swamp rat getting away with it.

  4. This should NOT stand. He needs to serve time for HIS Lies and Deception.

  5. Two sets of rules and laws. One for government and another for the surfs like us that pay for the government.

  6. Laughable. Obama was a bozo so surrounded himself with clowns, left wing loons and moon bats. And the left dares to be critical of Trump? MAGA!

  7. Who was in charge of keeping track of this?

    1. Jeff Sessions retired on duty.


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