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Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Bear with me, and let’s together consider a scenario: Imagine one day you wake up, turn on the TV, and there is complete pandemonium. The news has just broken that the Trump administration has set up military tribunals; arrested hundreds of members of both political parties; arrestedthousands of others outside government; renditioned George Soros; captured Edward Snowden; and seized Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barry Obama, and John McCain and charged them with treason. Additionally, imagine many of those arrested are charged with child trafficking for sex or organ harvesting, for drug trafficking, and for undermining the sovereignty of the United States. How would the populace react? How would the liberals react? How would the MSM characterize it? Imagine the totality of it.

I think there would be complete chaos. Society would be at the point of coming to a complete standstill, or a revolution, or a societal breakdown.

Most likely, the MSM would be in a full informational warfare stance. They would be characterizing these sweeping actions as dictatorial. They would say that President Trump had arrested the opposition, had lost his mind, was acting extra-Constitutionally, and had directed Sessions to fabricate evidence.



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  2. IF that scenario unfolded, the MSM would be shut down and cell phone towers disabled.
    Then roadblocks.
    Then curfews.
    Then open violence against anyone challenging those actions ---- to show everyone what happens to people who don't "comply".
    THEN, about 50 million gun owners begin the Second American Revolution.
    It won't be a good day for politicians, judges, cops, and other cheerleaders.
    Have fun while you can....
    The lesson about "playing with fire" is going to be a VERY hard lesson for them....

  3. This will be fabulous! I eagerly await this. It really needs to be done, and I'm ready to defend this action!

  4. Once it begins it will not be stopped

  5. Can we start tomorrow?


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