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Saturday, March 10, 2018

In Portland, Landlords Now Have to Pay Some Tenants' Moving Costs

Portland city commissioners made permanent on Wednesday a program that requires landlords to pay renters' moving costs if they are evicted without cause or are forced to move because of a rent increase of 10 percent or more.

The program, a brainchild of Commissioner Chloe Eudaly, is designed to address Portland's escalating housing and homelessness crisis, in addition to other steps taken by the city council.

It had been used on a trial basis for a year before commissioners made it permanent, and included a blanket exemption for landlords that own only one rental unit. The permanent program removes that all-encompassing exemption, but adds a laundry list of new ones that will allow some landlords with a single unit and other landlords meeting certain conditions to avoid paying tenants' relocation costs.



  1. They should have SLUMLORD John cannon do the same.

  2. GET THE POOR OUT ! It's not the land holders fault they are poor uneducated breeders that can't make a living wage. Same goes around here. If you can't afford a house why the hell are you pooping out babies and think you can afford the American Dream. Too proud to be the welfare that you are and too stupid to have practical breeding practices.
    That's where the Bible get's you......Stuck in a rut.
    Jails are very nice these days.


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