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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Ibuprofen could 'eliminate' Alzheimer's disease

Ibuprofen could prevent Alzheimer's disease, scientists claim.

At-risk patients, discovered via a saliva test, may be able to avoid dementia if they take a low-dose of the painkiller from middle age for the rest of their lives, they add.

Ibuprofen is thought to dampen inflammation in the brain, which leads to the death of nerve cells and is associated with Alzheimer's.

Lead author Dr Patrick McGeer, from the University of British Columbia, said: 'Individuals can prevent that from happening through a simple solution that requires no prescription or visit to a doctor.

'This is a true breakthrough since it points in a direction where Alzheimer's can eventually be eliminated. If it is applied worldwide, Alzheimer's would disappear. Our discovery is a game changer.'



  1. It is important to note that Ibuprofen has some SERIOUS issues with long-term use, and people should not start taking it daily because of an article like this one.

    IF it is the anti-inflammatory properties of ibuprofen that are giving these results, other safer, more suitable alternatives will be better choices.

    I have a friend in his 50's who took it for years and now has some real problems from it.

    Be careful.

  2. Yeah, haven't they recently warned about it causing kidney problems with overuse?

  3. Absolutely correct.And the inflammation issues in the rest of the body are addressed at the same time.This revelation is way overdue.There is already an ibuprofen tablet formulated for safe long term use.

  4. My wife should be safe from dementia...she takes that stuff every night for her "headache".

  5. 12 gauge to the head could eliminate stupid liberal thinking too!

  6. Just don't start taking until you reach the age of 90. How hard is that?

  7. I can tell you another way to eliminate Alzheimer's Disease:

    STOP spraying nano-particles of ALUMINUM into our atmosphere!

    Aluminum is a neurotoxin and passes the blood / brain barrier.
    Wake up folks.

  8. How much is low dose?

    Looks like I need to add low dose motrin to my low dose of ASA.

  9. Trying to increase the sales of ibuprofen???? Have you heard about the benefits of 81 mg aspirin, which includes reducing inflammation ?? Lets all re-invent the wheel... I'm sure we could get a govt grant for the research.

  10. Does this mean that Joe has bought stock in the production of Ibuprofen?


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