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Monday, March 19, 2018

HUD Scraps Controversial Section 8 Bidding Process

Move by agency comes weeks after Free Beacon report on bureaucrats' emails and allegations of bias

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has completely scrapped the bidding process previously underway for contracts to manage the Section 8 program, which provides rental assistance to low-income persons, and will start again from scratch.

The Washington Free Beacon previouslyreported on the Section 8 contracts, including allegations from a long-time contractor who claimed bureaucrats in the agency had been purposefully skewing the process.

At the time of that report, HUD was in the process of taking comments on proposed language for a new bid, but the process has now ground to a complete halt.

"Based on the extensive comments received in response to the draft solicitation, HUD is taking time to perform additional due diligence to ensure all comments and recommendations are considered in developing the final approach to obtaining the services to replace the current PBCA [Performance Based Contracting Award] services," the department said on the FedBizOpps.gov website. "This solicitation is cancelled in its entirety. Future requirements will be initiated through a new solicitation, which is expected to take several more months to develop."



  1. Section 8 is a community killer

  2. AND there is NO need for Section 8 housing on the Salisbury waterfront. That is unless you want to start at places south on the Wicomico River like Sharps Point or Green Hill Golf Club.

    Something tells me those very nice elite home areas on the "rivah" will say hell to the no!


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