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Monday, March 26, 2018

How do we know Trump will be safe when he meets Kim Jong Un?

If President Trump's planned meeting with Kim Jong Un happens, those planning security for the event can't deny the dictator's past, which include allegations that he ordered his brother's death at a public airport when a pair of women splashed his face with precursors of the VX nerve agent.

Trump’s summit with the young dictator is tentatively planned for sometime before May and has many unresolved details, including the location and date.

Experts know that a diplomatic meeting between Trump and Kim would be tightly controlled, with negotiations between U.S. and North Korea determining the number of security personnel joining each leader, as well as any accompanying weaponry.

But there are significant unknowns, including whether Kim would be physically searched, and whether the choice of venue would make it difficult to protect against the most extreme scenarios involving physical risk to Trump.

Experts familiar with diplomatic and security processes cite North Korean self-interest as the best defense against a jarring assault during the meeting, though many note it's difficult to predict the behavior of one of the world's most closed, repressive nations.

An assault on Trump would be an unlikely twist to an apparent opening for rapprochement, but North Korea has a long history of assassination schemes against dissidents and rivals. And experts say no level of security can be foolproof.

More here


  1. This is why you don't agree to these meetings without a LOT of preliminary work.

  2. Skype or what ever its called

  3. There is no safety in the presence of such a person.

  4. Trump will be safe if our government tells the North that if something should happen to him, we will dump Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Rosie O'Donnell on him!
    Talk about a fate worse than death!

  5. It would be a shame if Un's plane has an unexpected accident in the air....

  6. Kim Jong supposedly stepped down from power over the weekend

  7. Watch out for the Traitor Dems.

  8. I believe the Kim threat is fake.
    He is financed by the same banking families who finance the US elections.

    Mr Kim is used as “controlled opposition” and provides cover for huge Military spending in the US.

    The families who finance campaigns also profit from war and weapons manufacturing.

    Again, my opinion.
    Each of us must do our own reading and reach our own conclusions. There is a lot of mid-information present in the US media. I recommend using alternative news sources and essays written by whistle blowers such as Paul Craig Roberts, Greg Hunter (and his guest speakers). So on

  9. John McCain, Obama, and the rest of the traitors will undercut our President on everything he does to broker a peace deal.

  10. Can't Pence take over?

  11. God won’t let anything happen to Trump. Look how he has been blessed so far- limitless wealth, total power, and oral sex from a porn star. The man is untouchable.

  12. Maybe they should disable Kimmy's rocket so he can't get away if trouble breaks out.

  13. Kim Jong Un may be a lot of things but stupid isn't one of them.

  14. Isan't Kim related to Hillary Clinton?


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