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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Hillary Clinton: I Am a 'Rorschach Test' for Women Worldwide

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton believes her experience in politics serves as a model for women around the world.

“I have often thought that I am a kind of a Rorschach test for people who are trying to make sense, not just of me personally, but of women’s roles and women’s expanded opportunities, in not only America but around the world,” she said during a paid college speech at Rutgers University.

Clinton expressed disappointment that she was no longer seen as an individual because she had been in the public spotlight for 25 years.

She pointed out that she was “the first woman of my generation” as First Lady who actually had a law degree before going to the White House with her husband, which brought about “assumptions and caricatures.” She also pointed to her “monumental” role in working for health care reform as First Lady.

“I would hope that people would spend a little bit of time actually looking behind the image or the picture, and that is I think is what we hope for all of us, we want to be known as who we are and judged positively and negatively based on what we actually do and not by what people said we did,” she said.



  1. It's just what she'll be in the history books, an inkblot.

  2. Please just take your ill-gotten gains and go away. America is sick of your B*** S***!

  3. She certainly has an ego, doesn't she?

  4. She is a lier and a crook and EVERYBODY knows it and that is what she will be known for.


  5. She's a cow pie on history's timeline.

  6. She thought she would coast to a victory each time because of her husband but she thought incorrectly.

  7. She is the test for Hemorrhoids.

  8. The old failure will be a inkblot if the media will let it happen 1:12. The ole bitter one gets too much coverage.

  9. No, she is just a Roach, no test involved!

  10. I do believe she will be known for drinking too much Chardonay. She said so herself so it is not rumor.

  11. Was this before or after she said the women in America were forced to vote for Trump by their husbands, fathers, and boyfriends.


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