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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Hillary Clinton blames 'pressure' from men for why white women voted for Trump

Hillary Clinton’s trip to India is evoking memories from her failed 2016 bid for president, as the Democrat makes headlines for blaming racism and misogyny for her loss while taking stumbles in front of the cameras.

During her appearance in India over the weekend, Clinton claimed she lost the 2016 presidential race in part because white women didn’t stand up to the men in their lives pressuring them to vote for Donald Trump.

“We do not do well with white men and we don’t do well with married, white women,” Clinton said at a conference in Mumbai, India. “And part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.”



  1. No wonder Bill strayed.

  2. “We do not do well with white men and we don’t do well with married, white women,” Clinton said at a conference in Mumbai, India. “And part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.”

    I would say that Bill agrees with this. He did well with UNMARRIED white women and younger (Lolitas in the islands). Why doesn't Hillary like Monica?

  3. What Pressure did Bill put on her ???

  4. Wow! Way to be sexist and offensive. Her feminist card should be revoked.

  5. Does this idiot think anyone in India give a crap?

  6. Behind the times in so my ways. Men don't tell women who to vote for - those days are over. If not. Something is wrong.

  7. This idiot woman needs to go home and shut up, no more Hillary, please.

  8. Whatever. Clinton's the fat ugly nasty slave to men. She's the one who stands by and lies for her rapist pervert husband who thought he could cover his perverted self by using a cigar on Lewinsky. Thank God for the blue dress with his semen stain on it. Gross. Then when she was instructed and made to lie for obama the nasty 2 time LOSER lied without hesitation. That's all democrat women are is nothing but lowly useless slaves to men and they prove it over and over. And if they deny they are just lying because all democrats lie constantly. All around nasty gross perverts and they said so their selves.

  9. Wooooooooooo !!! So much Pressssssure !!!!

  10. If I had a parakeet she would be at the bottom of the bird cage.

  11. Hillary Needs one of those IQ tests. You know. a urine test. Idiots!!!

  12. I'm afraid that I must inform Hillary that my husband is proud to be married to an independent thinker. He seeks a partner in life, not another child to raise. This woman can't be any more offensive to me at this point, I've long ago reached my limit with her crap spewing.


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