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Monday, March 19, 2018

FBI Director Wray Should Be Fired Next

Wray had threatened to resign if McCabe was fired…

Hallelujah! Last night former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe was actually fired on the recommendation of Inspector General Michael Horowitz — himself an Obama holdover.

I’m still waiting to see McCabe and his fellow Clinton cronies indicted for treason though.

“Baby steps,” or so I’m told.

Still, I can’t help but remember that Attorney General Sessions had wanted to fire McCabe months ago, but back then FBI Director Wray threatened to cause a political s***storm by quitting himself if McCabe was fired.

And that was before we found out about the missing Strzok/Page text messages which continued to be lost on Wray’s watch as well as about the unheeded warnings to the FBI which allowed the Parkland shooter to kill 17.



  1. FIRE ALL the Damn Obama HOLDOVERS Long Overdue !!!!!

  2. Wray was appointed by Trump 7:25 PM, but I do agree that Wray should go.

    I've also been saying that Trump has the power and authority to dismantle the FBI and hire all new employees.

  3. All the Dirt will go eventually as long as Trump is POTUS !!
    All part of Draining the very Big Swamp !!! Get Err Done !!


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