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Monday, March 05, 2018

Facebook's Fake Fact-Checkers Bust The Babylon Bee

The Christian satire site is warned by the social media giant against propagating "fake news."

One of our favorite satire sites, The Babylon Bee, recently ran a humorous story entitled “CNN purchases industrial-sized washing machine to spin news before publication.” Hours later, Adam Ford, the Bee’s founder, received a notice from Facebook warning that his story had been flagged as false content by its “independent fact-checker” Snopes. Furthermore, the social media giant threatened, “Repeat offenders will see their distribution reduced and their ability to monetize and advertised removed.”

To say the least, Ford was surprised — not over being “fact-checked,” as this was not the first time that Snopes has “fact-checked” The Babylon Bee, but rather by the action taken by Facebook. Ford stated, “This is the first time Facebook has used that to threaten us with reduced reach and demonetization.” He added, “Also it seems that anyone who clicked on the article got a notice that it was ‘disputed.’”

Hours later, after suffering a fully deserved barrage of blowback and mockery, Facebook later admitted its action was a mistake: “There’s a difference between false news and satire. This was a mistake and should not have been rated false in our system. It’s since been corrected and won’t count against the domain in any way.”



  1. How many Facebook employees are also on the payroll of CNN or one of its shadows?

  2. More like who on the payroll work for the deepstate i.e satan

  3. Boy O boy the Communist infiltrators sure are running scared!! they must control the rhetoric it must all come from their lying deceptive mouths and tote the party line.
    The truth they know not, lies and deception or you will be shutdown and silenced.

  4. This Facebook/Youtube/ total internet algorithm purge is a total joke! There's no way targeting anything on the internet complies in any way with censorship rules, in fact that's totally what it is. Totalitarian censorship by word usage! How 1984 Newspeak are we now? I'd say right up there with the best of them! Slowing down Conservative websites because they say certain words and quelling their speech is a direct violation of the First Amendment. WTH is going on
    Is it time for the big Bang?

    1. 10:30, I thought the same thing. This has got to be illegal in some way.


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