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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Every Five Days, Murderers Kill a White Farmer in South Africa

Cruel torture, rape rampant in nation

Every five days, a white farmer is murdered in South Africa and authorities are doing nothing about it. Authorities are giving tacit approval and police are turning a blind eye according to activists.

There have been 109 murders this year, 15 farm murders. In other words, one farmer is murdered every five days. There have been 90 recorded attacks against white farmers in 2018.

Lawmakers passed a motion last month approving the seizure of white farmers’ land without compensation. Activists say it has been a catalyst for the murders.

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  1. Its obviously a genetic trait. You just can't do enough for the race as a whole

  2. If natural resources were there the US would have said they needed a healthy dose of "freedom and democracy" a long time ago but since they do not the ethnic cleansing will continue.

  3. In a year, the entire country will have no food or water. Then they'll want those farmers back.

  4. The farmers can't win. If they can sell anything,sell it and salvage what you can and get the hell out.If the farmers don't leave they will die.

  5. Australia has opened their doors to any farmer who wants to immigrate to Australia. Amazing the countries allowing Ahkamed and his family in, but have not opened their borders to these White farmers. Of course they are taking established farms. The work is done already. Typical of this breed of people. I say anyone with the slightest tan should be sent to good ole Africa. See the truth. The White man never ever did as much to hurt the African race as did their own people.


  6. Same as Rhodesia. The farmers should leave while they are still alive. Those natives who take their land will not be able to operate successfully and the country will continue to backslide until the misery becomes untenable.


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