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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Editorial: Hillary Reminds America Why She Lost In case we'd forgotten.

We’re aware that some elected officials—perhaps more than a few—regard the average voter with contempt. Such politicians may succeed for a time, but contempt is hard to hide, and they soon find themselves giving talks at ritzy confabs about their regrettably brief time in public life.

That’s the case with Hillary Clinton. On the strength of the notoriety she’d received as First Lady in the 1990s, she won a seat in the U.S. Senate in 2000 and held it for nine years. But that is about as much of Hillary Clinton as voters could take. She was appointed secretary of State by Barack Obama for no other reason than that she’d come in second in the 2008 primary election; she then went on to lose a general election and now enjoys a successful career as a former presidential candidate and writer of unreadable memoirs.

Mrs. Clinton was never a talented politician. Like many another former officeholder, she thought most voters were idiots and often didn’t have sense enough to pretend otherwise. She proudly heaped scorn on voters who weren’t inclined to back her—her infamous “basket of deplorables” remark is still shocking to read—and thereby managed to lose an election to a man who did everything in his power to make himself unelectable.



  1. Hillary ran on the coattails of other politicians, most notably her husband and Obama. As a politician in her own right, she's never, ever been effective at her jobs, leaving her electorate in the dust while she, along with Bill and other cronies, feathered her nest along the way. After sucking the life out of the DNC (both in pocketbook and morale), she continues to continually wail about how she lost the 2016 election (but, curiously, never about the one she lost to Obama.)

    We've all had enough of her. She was a bad pick for the job, so she wasn't hired. End of story.

    It's time for her to shut up about herself (evidently the only topic she knows) and do something with the rest of her life that will redeem her misuse of that life before she goes to 24 hour nursing care and then the Great Beyond.

  2. She is the DEPLORABLE !!! That's why she lost !!

  3. I saw this interview. She basically said women are stupid and usually vote the way their husbands or boyfriends do. What a slap in the face to the women that supported her, but they deserve each other.

  4. She lost because most people with any kind of brains, hate this lying bitch!

  5. God is why she lost.DUH!!

  6. Good thing she Lost or America would be Ruined !!!!


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