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Monday, March 12, 2018

Disney’s ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ Erases Book’s Bible Quotes, Cuts Jesus, Christian Figures From History

As Disney adapted the beloved children's book "A Wrinkle in Time" (1962) into a major motion picture — with no less than Oprah Winfrey on the star-studded cast list — the studio cut out a great deal along the way. Bible quotes, a reference to Jesus, and even Christian historical figures all got the boot. Could the excising of God help explain why the movie is projected to struggle at the box office?

In the transition from book to movie, many aspects get left on the cutting-room floor. Even so, these omissions proved particularly egregious, partially because they involved rewriting history.

The battle between good and evil (light and darkness) forms a central theme in "A Wrinkle in Time," and both book and film mention many historical figures who fought the darkness on behalf of the light. Disney seemed zealous to excise any hint of Christianity from the film, going so far as to cut even historic artists mentioned by Madeleine L'Engle, the book's author.



  1. Disney films and animation are (and always have been) thoroughly laced with witchcraft. It is often very subtle, but sometimes pretty blatant.

    It stands to reason that they would remove Christian content from the scripting if it was present.

    It doesn't fit their theme.

    Do you still watch Disney movies, or let your kids watch them? Do you think it's just 'innocent entertainment'?

  2. All Disney sees is $$$$$. Sad.

  3. I was going on a Disney cruise NO NOW.

  4. I read the book as a child and really enjoyed it.

    They have butchered it - thanks NOprah!

  5. Big mistake taking Jesus out of anything. We need more Christ in our lives. You need look no further then the public schools to see thr results of what happens you leave the Lord out.

  6. Oprah being in the movie is reason enough not to see it

  7. Disney is new age BS..they hail satan not God, they deny the truth of the word and bible in EVERY story they tell. Disney thinks, Who needs Jesus and truth when you have warlords and good witches. In case you didnt know their are no good witches(PAGANS) since Witches worship satan.

  8. Disney is run by liberals, progressives. Any religious theme in their movies usually worships nature or satanic images, not the true God. Our family stopped watching Disney productions at least 30 years ago.

  9. All cartoons where mean spirited like the road runner if you are old enough to remember. These action shoot them up movies are not much better. In fact I believe it is responsible for bad attitudes by some of our children today.

  10. Oprah is horrible, ugly, fat and racist --who would watch her anyway

  11. Disney being Disney. Capitalism at its best, separation of "church" and "Disney" is all that's required in this sense.

    Keep in mind, Disney now owns the rights to Star Wars, Marvel and a large portion of the FOX media enterprise.

    So probably wise to keep a weary eye on Disney!!!! Friends close, enemies closer!!!

  12. Watch Disney spiral downhill.

  13. Right.

    The movie is doing badly because it's not "Jesusy" enough. Not because it's a bad movie.. but because of it's non religiousness.

    Disney is too liberal I guess and never lets God into its movies... except... with the Hunchback of Notre Dame mentioning Christian themes all over the place...

    Or never mind Snow White or Frozen that have clear Christian overtones..or that the Jungle Book quotes ACTUAL scripture. OH... also clear Christian iconography in The Sword in the Stone, or that the Lion King is the Prodigal Son with Animals.

    Never mind that Cinderella is a story about "Grace", oh and I guess we have to forget about Friar Tuck in Robin Hood. Lets forget about Lilo actually PRAYING in Lilo and Stitch...

    OH right, then there is Tangled which is Gospel Allegory. How about Disney "The Small One" which is actually is based on the birth of Christ story.

    Time to get over yourselves, Christians, not everything is about you. A wrinkle in time is not a good movie because it's not religious enough... it's just not a good movie. Just ask Nicolas Cage about "Left Behind"... his movie flopped because it was a bad movie. Same with Exodus: Gods and Kings, Or how about The Resurrection of Gavin Stone.

  14. It's not good when you read a good book and then when you go to watch the movie it's all wrong. Thanks for putting this out so that I will know not to go watch the movie.


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