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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Disney Tries to Scrub Christianity From Existence in New Blockbuster, Pays a Big Price

When even liberals are complaining that Christianity’s been stripped out, there’s a real problem.

But that’s exactly the reception that the bloated Oprah Winfrey vehicle “A Wrinkle in Time” is getting as it opens in theaters across the nation.

And that abandonment of Christianity might turn out to be a bloated, expensive mistake for The Walt Disney Company, considering the $100 million they sunk into the project.

With Oprah lending her megastar wattage to publicity for the movie (including an interview with Stephen Colbert virtually designed to offend Christians), “A Wrinkle in Time” was generating buzz long before it actually opened in theaters. Unfortunately for the company that bankrolled the movie, a good deal of the buzz was bad.

Very bad.



  1. Here's hoping NOprah continues to not hear any messages from GOD.........

  2. #Boycottdisneyamen.

  3. I know she's a liberal Democrat but I was always under the impression that she was a Christian. I guess that much money and influence changed her.

  4. Disney hates Christians. Oprah is into NEW AGE; not Christianity.

  5. 2:25

    Oprah worships money. That's all.

  6. 225
    She is Illuminati

    Do some reading pal

  7. She refers to a " Higher Power"
    not God , these days.
    She's definitely changed over
    the years.

  8. if it wasn't for Christians Disney would shut down. Look how many Christians visit that park every year and buy and watch their movies. Stop watching their movies, going to their park and buying Disney Productions licensed goods and see how fast they change their minds. Oprah has shown her true self a few times. She is a racist and a bigot. I have zero respect for her.


  9. Thanks for the info; seeing this was under consideration based on the book.

    Purged content

    That's 3 strikes!

  10. Boycott this company then , & Racist Oprah who is a bad as
    Farrakhan ........quit giving her undue credits !!!!!

  11. Disney had better Straighten Up or Else it is in Trouble !

  12. We got Oprah's number & Disney !! America Knows !!!


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