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Friday, March 02, 2018

Dinner with Deep State: Former Top DOJ Official Tells All on Mueller, Comey, McCabe and Punk Peter Strzok

A former Department Head in the DOJ expressed his anger and shame with his former agency in an exclusive discussion with The Gateway Pundit. We were told that current and former agents throughout the FBI feel the same way. They are repulsed by the corruption of the recent leadership in the Department of Justice.

We interviewed a former Head of a major department under the Justice Department. We’ve kept the identity of the individual anonymous and will refer to this person as “Mr DOJ”. Here are the notes from our discussion.

Mr. DOJ started off by commenting that former leaders in the FBI are ‘pissed’ and ‘ashamed’ of the recent actions taken by the corrupt leadership at the FBI. Both current and past leaders within and retired from the FBI are very upset with the current leaders within the FBI who committed what they describe as criminal acts.



  1. Deep. Deep. How far do you *Go!?*? Did you know about obama (barack-anatan) and the terrible :"Dear colleagUe"" letter!? Hussain is crazy. Get rid of all He Touched!!!

  2. The whole Government has been infiltrated by Obama Communists. They need to be eradicated, charged with Capital treason and hanged until dead.

  3. It's time to give a few people immunity so they will testify and put the real bad culprits behind bars, like the hildabeast and a whole lot of others.


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