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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Diet of vegetables, salad and only a little meat is best for health

Healthy eaters are often willing to spend a fortune on expensive ingredients and trendy superfoods in their pursuit of a nutritious diet.

But it seems they may have all been wasting their money, as researchers have found the eating habits of Victorian peasants were perhaps the best.

Simple wholesome foods such as fresh locally grown vegetables, potatoes, fish and a little meat is the best recipe for staying healthy, a study has concluded.

Researchers compared the eating habits of people living across mid-19th century Britain by region and socio-economic class.



  1. So, beer is made from vegetable matter, and wings are little.

    Got it!


  2. Damn! Too late. I just had a whopper of a rib eye steak last night (grilled to perfection, med rare, and it was gooood!) I've got to die of something. There's "staying healthy" and there's enjoying the pleasures of our senses, notably our sense of taste. I choose to enjoy life, and all its pleasures. I have no desire to live a life of deprivation, only to die anyway.

  3. That's what I say about crack and heroin, you might as well enjoy life.

  4. March 14, 2018 at 7:15 PM:

    Addicts don't seem to be enjoying life, to me. Quite the contrary. Their lives seem to be living hells.


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