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Friday, March 16, 2018

De Blasio Bans Armed Guards From NYC Schools As Liberals Nationwide Push Its Expansion

In the wake of the Parkland shooting, a group of mothers from the area made a push to improve safety at schools. Somewhat surprisingly, they decided to avoid gun control and partisan politics, as Alyssa Alhadeff opted to advocate for a more comprehensive (andpolitically neutral) goal:

She’s launched a nonprofit called Make Schools Safe (MakeOurSchoolsSafe.org) to lobby for measures to increase campus security such as metal detectors, armed guards, bulletproof doors and windows, and reduced access points. Although Alhadeff respects the fight for gun control, she feels she can most readily make a difference with these initiatives.

The mom, who has two sons, ages 10 and 13, is currently in New York City promoting the nonprofit with the help of six girls between the ages of 14 and 18 — dubbed the Dream Team. All knew Alyssa, and most were there that tragic day.

It was a bit of a shock to see liberals choosing to use their advocacy to promote a sensible position with a strong likelihood of reaching a bipartisan solution, instead of the typical gun-grabbing that emerges from similar tragedies.



  1. Take the guns from his security. See how uncomfortable he will feel going to work each day. Idiot

  2. De Blasio NEEDS these schools to become targets and more children sacrificed to fulfill their plan to disarm America. Wake up PEOPLE!

  3. Someone needs to take Bill Dehomo out of his misery. Him and his chocolate wife.

  4. Libs are Hypocrites they remove police so when there is a shooting they go after the NRA The Dems are child killers

  5. Look at the link. They offer nothing but places to spend your money and apply for grants. They have no other agenda.n



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