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Thursday, March 08, 2018

Danish Prime Minister unveils plans to eradicate ghettos by 2030

The Danish government has put forward plans to tackle social problems in urban areas it defines as 'ghettos' in the latest of a series of tough measures designed to integrate immigrants.

The centre-right government's 'One Denmark without parallel societies - no ghettos by 2030' policy unveiled on Thursday has 22 proposals, including reducing benefits for immigrants who move into ghettos.

'The ghettos must disappear. We will take control of who moves. In particularly burdened areas, we will punish criminality extra hard . . . It needs a historic change in the method in which we deal with these problems,' Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said while presenting the plan during a visit with ministers to the Mjolnerparken ghetto in Copenhagen.



  1. Joe you should start a survey on Who would support Trump for the Noble Peace Prize ?

    If Obama got it for just being the first black president why can't Trump get it for stopping Nuclear War ?

  2. Bring him to baltimore

  3. If they want to keep Denmark Danish then they only have 2 choices,kick'em out or kill'em.I doubt they will kill'em so they better kick'em out.


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