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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Critics Think 132 Hours Of Firearm Training For Teachers Is Too Little

A proposal is under discussion in Florida that would allow teachers to carry a firearm into the classroom. This is a good thing.

The bad thing about it is that it seems the current thinking is to require teachers to spend 132 hours in training, or 16.5 days, in order to carry a firearm inside the school. Unfortunately, there’s some concern that’s not enough training.

A proposal to arm teachers, administrators and school staff in Florida causes widespread concern about the minimal firearms training they would get — 132 hours — less than that of basic police recruits.

Critics said the proposal, part of a measure designed to help protect schools from shooters that awaits Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s signature, could put students and staff at risk.

Curt Lavarello, executive director of the School Safety Advocacy Council and a former SRO in Broward County, Fla., where the Parkland shooting took place, said 132 hours is not nearly enough to entrust educators with guns.

“It’s absolutely ridiculous to think that in 132 hours of training, you’re going to be prepared to take on a well-armed gunman who comes onto a campus to kill children,” he said.

Richard Myers, executive director of the Major Cities Chiefs Association, which represents 75 big-city police forces in the USA and Canada, said he has discussed arming teachers with many of the group’s members. “I’ve yet to hear a police chief think that’s a good idea,” he said.

Myers said cops aren’t trained just to use firearms but to know when not to use them. “It’s not just about shooting holes in targets,” he said. “It’s about de-escalation. It’s about ‘Shoot, don’t shoot.’ “

One hundred and thirty-two hours isn’t enough to train teachers to carry a firearm? Look, I’m not in favor of a 132-hour training class either…because it’s ridiculous. It’s way longer than should be required. These aren’t police officers.

Of course, it seems that part of the problem is that Florida police officers have to have more training.



  1. Train and arm janitors! They room the school. Teachers do not.

    Besides, they're cheaper.

  2. It is not just the initial training. They need to shoot on a regular basis to be a proficient shot. They also need realistic shooting scenarios with good/bad guy targets to learn when to or not to shoot. Otherwise they will be shooting anything that moves or just sending lead down the hallway.

  3. 132 hours may not be enough given the fact that most teachers are dumb as a brick and liberal democrats.

  4. I can see some teachers not using them for protecting their students, but threatening them to behave in class.

  5. 20 hours is plenty, these people are not being trained for anything but a rabid shooter scenario. 6 month refreshers should be required, and any range time should be free. These people would be volunteering their talents, and the SO should welcome them with open arms.

    Stop being stupid about school shootings!

    PS, those that want 132 hours i would bet a million have never owned a firearm! They couldn't safely use one if they went to a range. They would be afraid to even go on the range property.

  6. Your liberal teachers will not take up arms-------Thank God

  7. but-but-but we're not talking about a street situation. there is no "shoot, don't shoot" scenario, unless they mean don't shoot someone who is not FIRING TOWARDS them.

    Someone is already at the school and they are firing and killing people. In this particular situation, the only training required is a good sight picture and a good trigger squeeze and to hit the target.

    They are not police officers. They are protecting themselves and others from an active shooter. Two shots center mass and one shot to the head. THAT is the only training needed in that situation, IMO.

  8. Many teachers already have a military background and dont forget the maintenance crew and custodians. True many don't want to carry but several want to.

  9. 9:27 So the person in the school that the teacher is supposed to shoot is dressed like a student and is about the same age. Makes them easy to identify in a hallway of students running for their lives, right. The shooter is actively firing and the teacher with a gun and no body armor is going to jump into the line of fire and return fire?
    No stressful situation there. Many police officers with training fail to hit their target while engaging an active shooter, but a teacher with 132 hours is going to be an expert marksman under pressure?

    Students are safer in schools than anywhere else during their day. How many died daily in car accidents and from drug overdoses?

  10. More guns the more probability of then getting into the wrong hands. More for law enforcement to sort out at an active shooter scene.

  11. Save the money, hire more school security. Our county has lots of Veterans - each and every year! MAGA!


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