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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Bruce Jenner Lectures on the Hardships of Womanhood

CNN celebrates its "wokeness" on International Women's Day by including some "mansplaining."

Last Thursday was International Women’s Day, so what better way to celebrate and recognize the occasion than to have a man explain how difficult life is for women? Evidently, those “woke” folks at CNN thought that was fitting and trotted out gender dysphoric Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner to pontificate on his experiences being a “woman.” Any other man would be guilty of “mansplaining.” “My path to womanhood was very different,” Jenner opined, ignoring the fact that he is not a woman. Jenner then blamed society for treating women as “second-class citizens” and for conditioning them to be “emotionally weaker, physically weaker.”

The cognitive dissonance on display in the CNN interview has sadly become the norm across much of America’s mainstream media culture. Not only are cultural practices based upon innate understandings of gender differences actively condemned, biological facts discovered by sound scientific research are ignorantly maligned and rejected as part of the “patriarchy.” Sound thought is replaced with flawed narratives about the right to absolute autonomy of self-identity.



  1. What a disgusting S.O .B.

  2. None of this is by accident.
    It is designed far in advance and executed with enormous teamwork in the Media, Politics, and Education.
    This is a globalist (Communist) Agenda.
    Make no mistake about it. This is very serious business and people have been murdered to make it come to fruition.
    This is not a silly little media phenomena.

  3. This is what I don't understand. if was a woman I woukd be awfully pissed off and upset that someone who assumes that they are female!automatically feels their pain??insane your a friggin guy bruce

  4. This is what I don't understand. if I was a woman I would be awfully pissed off and upset that someone who assumes that they are female!automatically feels their pain??insane your a friggin guy bruce!

  5. The Frankenstein doctors that are doing this to him should be in prison.

  6. She was a good looking man back in the day LMAO

  7. This is an example of what has happened to America under Obama! Now that we have President Trump it will turn around!

  8. Can he tell me what PMS, menopause, being pregnant, having a period, cramps, swollen breasts,being pregnant or giving child birth is like? He!! No! It has no friggin idea what it is like to be a woman. This is pure propaganda bull malarkey!

  9. Has he given birth yet? Now that's pain he it should feel first.

  10. Not Fooled....Bob AswellMarch 19, 2018 at 1:46 PM

    I was channel hopping and came upon the CNN interview with Jenner and since I hadn't had the prior chance to properly dissect him/her with my eyes. I watched a few minutes and noticed there was but a wisp of femininity about his/her person. Ladylike....I don't think so. Somebody needs to tell him a steroid soaked jock like him isn't for the male eye to seek. I also noticed at no time he discussed his SECRET homosexual tendencies. I point to the fact he/she HAS NOT had gender re-assignment surgery. He still has his junk so that makes him/her gay even if him/her plays the female role. I guess he took the pole-vault a little toooooo seriously at the Olympics.
    I find the sight of him/her repulsive and a sacrilege to the point
    gay induced nausea prevailed. Some folks don't understand why gays get attacked. Most of the ones I've encountered throughout my life seem to me private folks who DON'T go on national TV and espouse reasons and justification for going on about something they know absolutely NOTHING about. Getting back to gender re-assignment, being he is still a biological male, is this a dry run and if so, are we going to be an Olympian again? He/she should have a BIG fan club.
    Really I think he's chicken s^&*t and wants it BOTH ways because deep down he realized he's GAY and this is just another press stunt.
    Not Fooled....Bob Aswell


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