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Monday, March 12, 2018

Breaking News: A G.O.P.-led House committee said it found no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, even as the special counsel expands his inquiry

Representative K. Michael Conaway of Texas, who is leading the investigation, said committee Republicans agreed with the conclusions of American intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered with the election, but they broke with the agencies on one crucial point: that the Russians had favored Donald J. Trump’s candidacy.


  1. Notice the MSM's headline on this breaking news is , "No Findings That Russia Meddled With Trump Campaign"
    They just can't bring themselves to say what Trump has said all along: "There's NO collusion!"
    Fake news at its finest.

  2. LOL CNN is having a Stokeeeee

  3. You guys care about committee results now? Seems to me you are still yelling "benghazi" despite the GOP committee findings.

    1. Trump will never be president lol.

  4. Really, 7:54?
    Benghazi is out right now.
    Apparently, according to so-called "news" stations, the most important situation to key on at the moment is whether the President got busy with some pole dance 12 years ago.
    THAT is what Americans care about.

    1. Or if ole bill Clinton ACTUALLY cheated on his wife and the American people with a blue dress ? SMH Fool.

  5. DO you think that there was any collusion on this finding out about no collusion? The "bi-partisan " committee left out the bi-partisan part on this result.
    Must be a conspiracy from the deep state


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