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Friday, March 16, 2018

Baltimore mayor's new spokesman resigns hours after starting job

A former Baltimore police officer hired as the mayor's spokesman resigned from the position Wednesday, hours after he was formally introduced to reporters at City Hall.

Darryl Strange stepped down after the Baltimore Sun newspaper inquired about three lawsuits during his five-year tenure on the city's police force.

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh said in a statement that she had accepted Strange's resignation and claimed he was still being vetted when she announced his hiring Wednesday morning.

"As for anyone who applies to work at City Hall and particularly in a senior role, there is an extensive vetting process that takes time to complete," Pugh said in the statement, according to the Sun. "This process was still underway for Mr. Strange, who having worked as a senior communications officer in government, began in the communications department here at City Hall this past Monday."



  1. Build that wall around that filthy city. Keep the corrupt locked inside - permanently!

  2. he was still being vetted


  3. Another Hood Rat trying to protect a Hood Rat. She is full of dung.


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