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Monday, March 12, 2018

America To Hollywood: Drop Dead

Plummeting Oscar ratings the latest evidence of America’s culture war at work …

The latest casualty of America’s culture wars? The Oscars …

A record low 26.5 million viewers tuned into the 90th annual awards ceremony earlier this week, down 19 percent from last year’s 32.9 million audience (and down39 percent from 2014’s record of 43.7 million viewers).

Since 2001, the television audience for the Oscars eclipsed the 40 million threshold on eight separate occasions … and prior to this week, it had never dipped below 32 million.

Clearly the times they are-a-changing …

It’s not just the Oscars, either. The Grammys lost a quarter of its audience this year (well, 24 percent to be precise), while the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) awards saw its viewership plunge by 30 percent.

What gives?

Not to put too fine a point on it, but a large chunk of America is simply sick and tired of Hollywood. Its uber-liberalism. Its hypocrisy (ahem). Its smugness.



  1. Black Panther has made like a billion dollars. Is that how America says “get lost”?

    1. Good example of how America is not racist... btw Trump will not be president lol

  2. Until we quit watching the shows and movies Hollywood is producing, nothing will stop these overpaid "stars" from producing these self aggrandizing propaganda pieces. The shows are not for profit, it is to pat themselves on the back, and to espouse their political views, which we already know. Pick the star that pisses you off the most with their elitist political views, and quit watching the productions they are cast in. That will get their attention! I no longer watch the most brazen politically outspoken actors or music artists, no matter how popular their works are. If you support their productions and are fans of their work, not watching their awards ceremonies doesn't punish them, or the producers, for their political interference. Quit watching their "art" and make them irrelevant.

  3. Yep. I'm SURE it's a politically driven change and NOT a direct change in the way people, especially young people, consume their media.

    Generally speaking, I think this is a prime example of seeking out confirmation bias.

  4. It's not just those libtards, their movies are junk and a waste of our scarce spare time and hard earned $$$.

    Hey 10:22, the reason that Black Panther has earned millions is because every black organization is paying for their members and others to go see it. As a movie it's crap, but the mainstream media is afraid to say so.

  5. Yup Oprah's new movie is a bomb as well. They thought a small bomb went off in North Carolina. It was just O falling down a flight of stairs. I am glad the A/A community has a movie called Black Panther and they are spending someones hard earned cash on it. Enjoy it now shut the hell up.

  6. I'm way ahead of you good people. Started boycotting that trash many many years ago.

  7. 5:32 And your wallet is better for it too


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