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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A restaurant is charging white customers more to highlight racial wealth inequality

A restaurant in New Orleans is hoping to raise awareness of racial wealth differences in the country by charging white customers more.

SAARTJ is a pop-up restaurant in the Louisiana city run by local Nigerian chef Tunde Wey who will be charging white customers $18 (£13) extra for their meal.

Much like the cafe in Melbourne, Australia which charged a 'man-tax' due to the gender pay gap, SAARTJ is charging an increase to highlight the racial pay gap in New Orleans.

In 2013, a study found that the average household income of an African-American in the city was 54 per cent lower than that of a white person.



  1. Now if they will only explain to blacks that you do need to tip!

  2. That of course is discrimination and is illegal. Any white person who goes in that restaurant is crazy. Lets see if he can make it with only black customers? I doubt it.We need to send his black a$$ back to nigeria where he came from.

  3. They are ripe for a lawsuit.

  4. Pretty simple, you get paid what you are worth. You set your value. Period.
    Dittos 9:30 a.m.

  5. I see a class action law suite in the future, lets see how it is handled.

  6. Racist on its face. Lawsuits to follow.

  7. what happens when he screws up and charges some lite skinned black person the white people rate! Watch the business be burned to the ground!

  8. Hey ACLU. Oh forget it.

  9. Its discrimination. good for the baker, good for the restaurant owner. Sue him!

  10. My gosh. Dont charge the black person more,NAACP and every other black would be all over it. But ok to charge whites more.

  11. Close these Idiots Down , they need a Business License to
    stay in business & the Govt gets to TAKE IT AWAY !!! See Ya


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