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Saturday, March 31, 2018

A Census Citizenship Question Wouldn't Just Impact Blue States

Blue states are suing to block the question, but they aren't the only areas particularly vulnerable to losing money and political power if the Trump administration's plan lowers immigrants' participation.

The U.S. Department of Commerce's decision this week to add a citizenship status question to the 2020 Census has prompted widespread concern from state and local officials.

At a time of heightened fears in immigrant communities, lawmakers and civil rights groups worry that inclusion of the question will discourage participation, altering the accuracy of Census counts. States and municipalities have a lot to lose if immigrants are undercounted. The decennial Census dictates political representation at all levels of government and guides the allocation of billions of dollars in federal funding each year.

The announcement set off a legal battle, with California Attorney General Xavier Becerra immediately filing a lawsuit and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman saying he would lead multistate litigation. Prince George’s County, Md., similarly joined the NAACP in filing a lawsuit Wednesday.


1 comment:

  1. Screw them! Census needs to count all and if illegals are here than count them, or get rid of them!

    As I always say, if Democrats and retarded Liberals are against it, then it must be good for America!


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