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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

'We Gotta Shoot A White Kid Quick!': Chris Rock Makes Racist Remarks On Comedy Special

Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot

Rock’s first bit was about law enforcement, which he portrayed as a group of racists who shoot innocent black children in the street for sport.

“Here’s my question,” started Rock. “You would think that cops would occasionally shoot a white kid just to make it look good. You would think every couple of months they’d look at their dead n**** calendar and go, ‘Oh my God, we’re up to 16! We gotta shoot a white kid quick!'”

Rock continued, explaining that “real equality” would include “white mothers” crying about their dead children.

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  1. Who is the RACIST making such a comment ??? Dugh

    If a White comedian said that about a Black kid , they would
    be FINISHED !!!

    He should be Charged for Inciting !!!

  2. So this is funny? So Mr. Rock, you a comedian or an activist? Make up you mind - fool!!

  3. Anyone with half a brain can see right through this lame attempt at a "gotcha" moment

  4. Rock has about as much talent as a peanut.

  5. It’s sad that white people really do believe that racism doesn’t exist and that African Americans aren’t being targeted by the law. I mean really look at the numbers and see how many have been killed by a white personnel and they walk free.

  6. Mr. Rock makes big money off of his racist "jokes." I don't know anyone that thinks he's funny. The only thing that's funny about him, is that he thinks he is a comedian.

  7. Chris Rock=Richard Pryor Jr. Making money and getting laughs from White people that are too stupid to know he is insulting them. Pryor was the master at doing that.


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