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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Watch President Donald J. Trump give his first State of the Union address.


  1. ur time stamp off on this one?

  2. 5:14, No. In order to get a post to remain at the top we have to re time the article after the original publishing time. We do this pretty often. Have a great day.

  3. Watched it last night. Great speech!
    Democrats were extremely disrespectful!
    Especially Delaware's Chris Koons.
    Sat there expressionless, no clapping, and no standing even on issues that everyone should stand behind.
    Overall, it was great speech!
    I thank god every day we have him as our president!

  4. i love to listen to him. it's like he's telling a story, one which i can't pull away from.

  5. God bless President Trump and God bless America !!!Ray!!!

  6. Watched it all and loved it. Only Trump speaks to Americans. Not like the rest of them with their endless platitudes.

  7. 7:20 first time a President used words simple enough for you?

  8. At some point the democrats must have felt that they are out of step, out of tune with a movement in America that is all around them to see.

    Who can be against Americans Making American Great Again except someone who has hate in their heart for America, for Americans and for a President leading the way. Democrats have proved they are the worst of the worst-truly repulsive.

    They are out of step, out of tune and soon to be out of office. We have no need for them. They do not serve us. They serve their own self interest; their own financial interest and lobbyists’ financial interest.

    Praise God for President Trump, who gives God the glory and puts his trust in God.

    Thank you President Trump, First Lady Melania, the Trump family, Trump Cabinet and Trump administration for leading and fighting for me and all Americans. God bless and protect you and your loved ones.

  9. Trump called on Congress to give him unprecedented and unquestionably antidemocratic powers: “Tonight,” he said, “I call on the congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers—and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.”

    Under Trump’s proposal, any Cabinet secretary could decide that, say, a law enforcement official investigating the president had “undermined the public trust” or “failed the American people”—and fire him on the spot. In other words, Trump is calling for an end to any semblance of independence for the IRS, the FBI, the Department of Justice.

    Just another anti-democratic wish from Trump. Surely the way he wants to fire Mueller.

  10. It was the best State of the Union ever. All the Kenyon Skid Mark could ever say was "I" "I" "I" when all he ever did was create one disaster after another. What is unfortunate is all democrats fall into only 2 catagories-Liars and/or dumbed down imbeciles.

  11. It was awesome not having to here "that's not who we are".

  12. 8:02 I bet you kneel during the National Anthem ?Ray?

    1. Actually I salute, seeing as I am a veteran. Care to try again?

  13. Hilarious how the black caucus could't even applause the lowest ever black unemployment. This because they are like the house negroes in charge of keeping the field hands under control. Democrats believe and do everything they can to keep blacks in chains. Don't believe it look at what they have not done. Every single city that is in chaos is democrat controlled and has been. To democrats blacks are not even human. They are just votes.

    1. Hilarious how it's 2018 and there are still racists like you out there. Oh wait not hilarious SAD

  14. The President is offering 3x's as many DACA's a path to citizenship as obama did and the democrats want. Don't despair over this. What is going to happen is most of the DACA's are nightmares and won't pass the vetting process. The laws are already on the books.

  15. He really gets it! Great speech America can get behind. But..., all this talk of foreign threats and enemies and dangers and harm to Americans and our Country...yet not ONE word about the domestic terrorist, the treasonous, the corruption in high places, the deep state, the abuses of power are very wide spread. It needs to stop, they need to be prosecuted and to the extreme, not just hidden from site, retired, transferred, swept under the rug.... they must be dealt with to the extreme so it will send fear to the souls or all politicians and government employees right down to tiny towns like Salisbury. It must be swift and harsh enough to deter even the most corrupt for generations to come...only then will it stop, only then can we make America great again.

  16. Pelosi and most dems at the SOTU address were most disrespectful because they care for getting votes to stay in power, not what's best for all AMERICANS. Trump and Republicans are compromising to keep foreign children here under work visas and giving them a chance to prove their loyalty to America, as all immigrants are supposed to do. That's the law of the land. And Obama and the dems have ignored the law. They should all be convicted and sent to prison!

  17. No one could pay me enough to ever vote for a democrat again including in local elections unless and until one steps out of their own chains and disavows the disgraceful actions of their fellow democrats last night. How could anyone not be ecstatic over low unemployment rates including the lowest ever for minorities??? Democrats showed their true colors and it is time to Flush the Toilet and this goes for the local ones too. Democrats are the enemy and there are no if's and's or but's about it.

  18. Kennedy slobbering all down his face was priceless. That's all the democrats have a lying slobbering piece of garbage just like the rest of his gross family. The slobbering is all anyone is talking about. God's way to slap the lying democrats back down into the sewer where they belong.

  19. On Kennedy slobbering it was divine intervention. God without any doubts had His hand in it. During an earlier meeting pre SOTU between the democrats Perlosi said to "let Trump be his slobbering self." Then what happened???? All the talk today is Kennedy slobbering-LOL.

  20. I thought it was a great speech. The President did very well. Shame on those who disrespected him. It's been a year - get over it Domocrats. Stop being haters.

  21. "Anonymous said...

    Hilarious how it's 2018 and there are still racists like you out there. Oh wait not hilarious SAD

    January 31, 2018 at 9:22 AM"

    If you think for one second you are being clever calling anyone a racist anymore you are sadly mistaken. We have your number and don't you dare ever forget it. You see you people can't stand hearing the truth because you are all inherently dishonest and lie constantly. Oh how you all can't stand the truth. You hate it when someone tells you the truth. It burns you up like no other. You know you can't counter with something intelligent so all you people do is holler racist. It's hilarious to now be called a racist.

  22. Democrats once again lived up to their self described selves as "nasty." It was nasty watching Kennedy slobber. It was so gross it was nauseating.

  23. It was very nice of Kennedy to pay tribute to his dead uncle by using the broken down beat up car as a backdrop

  24. Let me see if I got this right. The children that were brought here illegally by there parents can get to be legal citizens if they keep up with their education and stay out of trouble during the 12 year process.

  25. While watching Kennedy, I couldn't stop thinking 'Wow! This is what Monica must have looked like many times!'...

  26. Once again another Goofy Kennedy thrust into the spotlight by the i-n-s-a-n-e democrats who thought a miracle would happen and the hundred of thousands of democrats who left the party would come back on the sound of the Kennedy name. Instead this democrat stunt brought a man with deer in the headlights look and a drooling disorder who could not utter one sound sentence. The miracle will happen if the democrat party survives 2018 and 2020.

  27. 8:12 high point of the night. Showed their true colors so to speak.

  28. Was Ms Fancy Pelosi trying to suck the booze out of her gums or flossing her teeth with her nasty tongue? Her ole raisin looking lips were squirming.
    I didn't see the failed fat candidate there but the ole Burn surfaced with a frown.
    I'm to the point I can't even stand speaking to life long friends that are in the party of left wing nuts. It's like they lost their sense suddenly. Never noticed or cared what party they were for years. It's like the previous failed dude in our house hypnotized them.

  29. Best quote ever "American's are dreamers too" I want that tee shirt and bumper sticker ASAP Oh an Nancy Pelosi do us all a favor and get some POLY GRIP for God's sake!


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