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Monday, February 05, 2018

Trump is right -- He and his campaign were victims of a political attack by the Justice Department and FBI

Whatever the media and Democratic detractors say, the memo released by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee Friday that revealed how the FBI and Justice Departments abused their powers to spy on the Trump presidential campaign is breathtaking.

This kind of thing should not happen in America. Average Americans have not heard the last of this. They were betrayed.

In sum, President Trump was right. As he said in tweet Saturday morning: “This memo totally vindicates ‘Trump’ in probe. But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on.”

It turns out the much-maligned chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., is one of the most daring whistleblowers in modern American history.

Nunes was right to be distressed at what he discovered. All Americans should be. Why Democrats on the Intelligence Committee do not share this distress is beyond understanding, except because of shortsighted maneuvering for political advantage.

The memo by Republicans on the committee summarizes raw intelligence confirming that formerly steady and professional staff of the Justice Department and FBI were motivated to act against candidate Trump by personal antipathy toward him, media-stoked fear of him, and perhaps personal loyalties to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. As a result, they traded their integrity for betrayal of democratic principles and our Constitution.



  1. Trump is right -- He and his campaign were victims of a political attack by the Justice Department and FBI

    The Why the Hell isn't Trump cleaning house. He get's to do that and he better before he gets locked up on "trumped" up charges. No Pun intended.

  2. Yea, but Nothing is yet done about it !!! WHY ????

  3. Try as they may, they just cannot get anything to stick to President Trump. Yet they try day after day. What was the saying about insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result? Sounds just like those foolish democrats. When will they ever learn?


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