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Saturday, February 24, 2018

"There Was A Mistake Made" - FBI's No. 2 Refuses To Provide Details On How Cruz Tips Were Fumbled

After admitting last week that "protocol was not followed" when at least two individuals called the FBI's anonymous tip line to warn that Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old suspected of murdering 17 of his former classmates, the No. 2 FBI official said Thursday that he had visited the FBI's call center this week as part of his review of why the tip wasn't followed.

He also addressed, in the most detail yet, the mounting criticisms facing the bureau, according to the Washington Post.

The remarks followed NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch's assertion that the FBI was primarily to blame for not preventing the shooting.

Shortly before Bowdich spoke Thursday, NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre, who was speaking at the same event, said the FBI's leaders had gone "rogue."



  1. Still say there's something funny about this entire incident; similar to Las Vegas and some others. Somehow our government is promoting, setting up, making these incidents take place because they are still bent on confiscating our guns. They KNOW it would be a Bloodbath, so they are staging incidents on a regular basis to finally breakdown the spirit of snowflakes and Some Patriots so they will be willing to have our laws changed little by little until we have no 2nd amendment. Wake up folks. I DON'T have all the answers or pieces in place, but use your collective heads on this one.

  2. The FBI is refusing to provide details because they are lying. I don't believe the call wasn't forward to the Miami field office by the call taker in West Virginia. Mark my words this will all come out. It's all political. Democrats protecting and covering for democrats and South FL is a democrat stronghold. These so called "rank and file" democrat agents in Miami protecting the democrat sheriff of Broward.

  3. And now, like other police organizations, they will draw the wagons around their peers to cover up evidence protect their own, and of their wrongdoing and negligence. Their objective now is to protect their own, and keep any more truth from coming out. We've seen it all before.

    How about that coward cop? Asked for and got his retirement papers to sign, just hours after his cowardice, that helped the killer to continue his rampage against the students, was discovered and he was terminated without pay. His brotherhood saw to it that he will never miss a paycheck, even though his cowardice while being paid and on the job, resulted in additional lives being lost. He should have been charged with negligent manslaughter, or second degree murder (a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life.), instead of being rewarded with an immediate pension. Does anyone wonder why cops get such a bad rap anymore?

  4. The Tips were jotted down on a napkin at the donut shop, that is why he won't release them!


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